marine le pen

Marine Le Pen (Ansa)
Marine Le Pen (Ansa)

Crisi in Francia: Melenchon e Le Pen voteranno la mozione di sfiducia al governo Barnier

Si alleano estrema destra e sinistra: ad appena due mesi dall’insediamento, l’esecutivo sta per cadere
le elezioni

Francia, il tonfo di Le Pen (che fa peggio di Macron) e la vittoria di Melenchon: cosa succede ora?

La gauche non ha la maggioranza assoluta, si profila una rottura nel Nuovo Fronte Popolare e un governo che comprenda Repubblicani, partito del presidente e sinistra riformista
Marine Le Pen (Ansa - Epa)
Marine Le Pen (Ansa - Epa)
il voto

Elezioni in Francia: Le Pen vola al 34%, Macron: «Ora un blocco repubblicano»

Il Rassemblement National punta alla maggioranza assoluta. La gauche promette battaglia
Marine Le Pen (Ansa)
Marine Le Pen (Ansa)
il voto

Elezioni in Francia, Marine Le Pen esulta: «Abbiamo cominciato a cancellare il blocco Macron»

Il candidato premier del Rn: «Questo uno dei momenti più determinanti di tutta la storia della Quinta Repubblica»
Matteo Salvini e Marine Le Pen (Ansa)
Matteo Salvini e Marine Le Pen (Ansa)

Salvini, attacco frontale a Macron: «Guerrafondaio». E Le Pen contro Meloni: «È per il bis di Von der Leyen»

Gli interventi dei leader di Lega e Rassemblement National a Roma, alla convention del gruppo sovranista “Identità e democrazia”
epa09907264 French presidential election candidate for the far-right Rassemblement National party candidate Marine Le Pen delivers a speech after being defeated in the second round of the French presidential elections at the Pavillon d'Armenonville in Paris, France, 24 April 2022. Emmanuel Macron defeated Marine Le Pen in the final round of France's presidential election, with exit polls indicating that Macron is leading with approximately 58 per cent of the vote. EPA/IAN LANGSDON
epa09907264 French presidential election candidate for the far-right Rassemblement National party candidate Marine Le Pen delivers a speech after being defeated in the second round of the French presidential elections at the Pavillon d'Armenonville in Paris, France, 24 April 2022. Emmanuel Macron defeated Marine Le Pen in the final round of France's presidential election, with exit polls indicating that Macron is leading with approximately 58 per cent of the vote. EPA/IAN LANGSDON

Francia, il partito di Marine Le Pen «è una cinghia di trasmissione» della Russia

Ombre sul Rassemblement National in un rapporto parlamentare
epa09907264 French presidential election candidate for the far-right Rassemblement National party candidate Marine Le Pen delivers a speech after being defeated in the second round of the French presidential elections at the Pavillon d'Armenonville in Paris, France, 24 April 2022. Emmanuel Macron defeated Marine Le Pen in the final round of France's presidential election, with exit polls indicating that Macron is leading with approximately 58 per cent of the vote. EPA/IAN LANGSDON
epa09907264 French presidential election candidate for the far-right Rassemblement National party candidate Marine Le Pen delivers a speech after being defeated in the second round of the French presidential elections at the Pavillon d'Armenonville in Paris, France, 24 April 2022. Emmanuel Macron defeated Marine Le Pen in the final round of France's presidential election, with exit polls indicating that Macron is leading with approximately 58 per cent of the vote. EPA/IAN LANGSDON

“Tre presidenziali bastano”: Le Pen non si ricandiderà, “salvo eventi eccezionali”

L’annuncio della leader di estrema destra in un’intervista a Le Figaro
TOPSHOT - Supporters react after the victory of French President and La Republique en Marche (LREM) party candidate for re-election Emmanuel Macron in France's presidential election, at the Champ de Mars, in Paris, on April 24, 2022. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)
TOPSHOT - Supporters react after the victory of French President and La Republique en Marche (LREM) party candidate for re-election Emmanuel Macron in France's presidential election, at the Champ de Mars, in Paris, on April 24, 2022. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)

Macron rieletto all’Eliseo con il 58%, Draghi: “Splendida notizia per l’Europa”

“Grazie a chi mi ha votato per fermare l’estrema destra, gli sarò debitore”, ha detto il leader di En Marche davanti a una folla festante sotto la Tour Eiffel

Emmanuel Macron e Marine Le Pen (Ansa)
Emmanuel Macron e Marine Le Pen (Ansa)
eliseo 2022

I francesi al ballottaggio, urne aperte per la scelta tra Macron e Le Pen

Il presidente uscente è avanti nei sondaggi ma l'astensione fa paura

French President and La Republique en Marche (LREM) party candidate for re-election Emmanuel Macron (L) and le French far-right party Rassemblement National (RN) presidential candidate Marine Le Pen (R) sit prior to taking part in a live televised debate that will be live broadcast on French television in Saint-Denis, north of Paris, ahead of the second round of France's presidential election. - French voters head to the polls for a run-off vote between Macron and Le Pen on April 24, 2022. ANSA/LUDOVIC MARIN / POOL MAXPPP OUT
French President and La Republique en Marche (LREM) party candidate for re-election Emmanuel Macron (L) and le French far-right party Rassemblement National (RN) presidential candidate Marine Le Pen (R) sit prior to taking part in a live televised debate that will be live broadcast on French television in Saint-Denis, north of Paris, ahead of the second round of France's presidential election. - French voters head to the polls for a run-off vote between Macron and Le Pen on April 24, 2022. ANSA/LUDOVIC MARIN / POOL MAXPPP OUT
verso le presidenziali

Duello tv, per i francesi Macron ha stravinto su Le Pen: scontro su Russia, velo islamico e Ue

Presidente giudicato più convincente dal 59% dei francesi, Le Pen dal 39%

I due sfidanti (Ansa)
I due sfidanti (Ansa)
eliseo 2022

Scontro in tv tra Macron e Le Pen, botta e risposta in vista del ballottaggio

Domenica il secondo turno per la scelta del presidente della Francia

Emmanuel Macron (Ansa)
Emmanuel Macron (Ansa)
il punto di vista

Presidenziali francesi, lo scontro è tra due visioni di nazionalismo

Macron o Le Pen? In entrambi i casi il popolo francese dovrà rinunciare a qualcosa

Emmanuel Macron e Marine Le Pen (Ansa)
Emmanuel Macron e Marine Le Pen (Ansa)

Presidenziali: Macron davanti a Le Pen, “ma nulla è deciso”

Exploit di Mélenchon che si piazza al terzo posto. Il ballottaggio il 24 aprile

epa05942562 French presidential election candidate for the far-right Front National (FN) party, Marine Le Pen (L) and French presidential election candidate for the En Marche ! movement, Emmanuel Macron pose prior to the start of a live brodcast face-to-face televised debate in television studios of French public national television channel France 2, and French private channel TF1 in La Plaine-Saint-Denis, north of Paris, France, on 03 May 2017 as part of the second round election campaign. Pro-EU centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen face off in a final televised debate on 03 May that will showcase their starkly different visions of France's future ahead of this weekend's presidential election run-off. EPA/ERIC FEFERBERG / POOL MAXPPP OUT
epa05942562 French presidential election candidate for the far-right Front National (FN) party, Marine Le Pen (L) and French presidential election candidate for the En Marche ! movement, Emmanuel Macron pose prior to the start of a live brodcast face-to-face televised debate in television studios of French public national television channel France 2, and French private channel TF1 in La Plaine-Saint-Denis, north of Paris, France, on 03 May 2017 as part of the second round election campaign. Pro-EU centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen face off in a final televised debate on 03 May that will showcase their starkly different visions of France's future ahead of this weekend's presidential election run-off. EPA/ERIC FEFERBERG / POOL MAXPPP OUT
le presidenziali

Francia, sarà ballottaggio Macron-Le Pen. Il presidente uscente è avanti di 4 punti

Terzo Melenchon che supera il 20%, tracollo di repubblicani e socialisti

epa07348089 French President Emmanuel Macron (L) meets French Member of Parliament and President of the Rassemblement National (RN) far-right party Marine Le Pen (R) at the Elysee Palace for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, France, 06 February 2019. French President Macron is meeting with far-left Melenchon and far-right Le Pen to discuss his plans to hold a referendum aimaed at appeasing the so-called Yellow Vests protestors. EPA/PHILIPPE WOJAZER / POOL
epa07348089 French President Emmanuel Macron (L) meets French Member of Parliament and President of the Rassemblement National (RN) far-right party Marine Le Pen (R) at the Elysee Palace for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, France, 06 February 2019. French President Macron is meeting with far-left Melenchon and far-right Le Pen to discuss his plans to hold a referendum aimaed at appeasing the so-called Yellow Vests protestors. EPA/PHILIPPE WOJAZER / POOL

Macron-Le Pen, scintille a due giorni dal voto. “Dipende da Putin”, “Aggressivo e nervoso”

Domenica il primo turno, i due probabilissimi sfidanti al ballottaggio del 24 aprile affilano le armi: dodici i candidati in corsa


Dodici candidati in lizza per l’Eliseo: Macron e Le Pen favoriti per il ballottaggio

Otto uomini e quattro donne si sfidano per la leadership della Republique. Il terzo incomodo è Jean-Luc Mélenchon

epa09825119 French far-right Rassemblement National (RN) party Member of Parliament and presidential candidate Marine Le Pen (C) stands next to French journalists and TV hosts Anne-Claire Coudray (R) and Gilles Bouleau (L) during the show 'La France face a la guerre' (France in the Face of War), broadcasted on French TV channel TF1, in Saint-Denis, north of Paris, 14 March 2022. The special broadcast gathers eight of the twelve candidates for France's April 2022 presidential election to speak on the war in Ukraine, following Russia's military invasion. EPA/LUDOVIC MARIN / POOL
epa09825119 French far-right Rassemblement National (RN) party Member of Parliament and presidential candidate Marine Le Pen (C) stands next to French journalists and TV hosts Anne-Claire Coudray (R) and Gilles Bouleau (L) during the show 'La France face a la guerre' (France in the Face of War), broadcasted on French TV channel TF1, in Saint-Denis, north of Paris, 14 March 2022. The special broadcast gathers eight of the twelve candidates for France's April 2022 presidential election to speak on the war in Ukraine, following Russia's military invasion. EPA/LUDOVIC MARIN / POOL

Le Pen tallona Macron: mai così vicina, e ora sogna l’Eliseo

Secondo i sondaggi si accorcia sempre più lo scarto fra i due candidati che con ogni probabilità si giocheranno la presidenza al ballottaggio

Marine Le Pen con la nipote Marion (Ansa)
Marine Le Pen con la nipote Marion (Ansa)

Marine Le Pen salta le nozze della nipote Marion: l’assenza illustre diventa un caso politico

La 31enne Maréchal si sposa con l’eurodeputato italiano (Fdi) Vincenzo Sofo. Ma la zia non ci sarà, anche a causa – si dice – delle troppe divisioni in vista delle presidenziali

Matteo Salvini e Giorgia Meloni (Ansa)
Matteo Salvini e Giorgia Meloni (Ansa)

Lega e Fratelli d’Italia con Orban e Le Pen: “No a un’Europa senza nazioni”

Il partito di Salvini e quello di Giorgia Meloni sottoscrivono la Carta dei Valori con altri 14 partiti di destra di varie nazioni