vladimir putin

epa10116797 A picture taken during a visit to Berdyansk organised by the Russian military shows IDPs enter the water park for their free rest in Berdyansk, Zaporizhia region, Ukraine, 11 August 2022 (Issued 12 August 2022). The city of Berdyansk is located on the territory controlled by the troops of the Russian Federation and the city is administered by the Military-Civilian Administration controlled by Russia. Berdyansk is a large resort city on the shores of the Azov Sea. Thousands of vacationers visited it in the summer. This year, due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the city's beaches and hotels are without tourists. City businessmen place some thousand IDPs from Mariupol and other parts of Ukraine in their recreation centres providing food, accommodation and rehabilitation for people. For IDPs with children, the city water park operates free of charge. The head of the Zaporizhia region, Yevgeny Balitsky, announced that he had signed an order to hold a referendum on the issue of joining the region to Russia in early September 2022. Twelve headquarters for preparations for a referendum on joining the Russian Federation opened in Berdyansk and Berdyansk district of Zaporizhia region, said the head of the military-civilian administration of Berdyansk and Berdyansk region Alexander Saulenko. On 24 February 2022 Russian troops entered the Ukrainian territory in what the Russian president declared a 'Special Military Operation', starting an armed conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/SERGEI ILNITSKY
epa10116797 A picture taken during a visit to Berdyansk organised by the Russian military shows IDPs enter the water park for their free rest in Berdyansk, Zaporizhia region, Ukraine, 11 August 2022 (Issued 12 August 2022). The city of Berdyansk is located on the territory controlled by the troops of the Russian Federation and the city is administered by the Military-Civilian Administration controlled by Russia. Berdyansk is a large resort city on the shores of the Azov Sea. Thousands of vacationers visited it in the summer. This year, due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the city's beaches and hotels are without tourists. City businessmen place some thousand IDPs from Mariupol and other parts of Ukraine in their recreation centres providing food, accommodation and rehabilitation for people. For IDPs with children, the city water park operates free of charge. The head of the Zaporizhia region, Yevgeny Balitsky, announced that he had signed an order to hold a referendum on the issue of joining the region to Russia in early September 2022. Twelve headquarters for preparations for a referendum on joining the Russian Federation opened in Berdyansk and Berdyansk district of Zaporizhia region, said the head of the military-civilian administration of Berdyansk and Berdyansk region Alexander Saulenko. On 24 February 2022 Russian troops entered the Ukrainian territory in what the Russian president declared a 'Special Military Operation', starting an armed conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/SERGEI ILNITSKY
la guerra

Zelensky: “Se processano i nostri prigionieri a Mariupol stop ai negoziati con Mosca”

I russi intendono copiare il formato del Tribunale di Norimberga, i prigionieri ucraini sono considerati “nazisti”
epa09712163 A frame grab taken from a handout video made available by the Russian Defence Ministry Press Service shows a Russian navy ship preparing to take part in exercises in the Black Sea, in Sevastopol, Crimea, 26 January 2022 (issued 27 January 2022). More than 20 ships from Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet took part in the exercises in the Black Sea. EPA/RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT -- BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE -- MANDATORY CREDIT: RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY PRESS SERVICE -- HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa09712163 A frame grab taken from a handout video made available by the Russian Defence Ministry Press Service shows a Russian navy ship preparing to take part in exercises in the Black Sea, in Sevastopol, Crimea, 26 January 2022 (issued 27 January 2022). More than 20 ships from Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet took part in the exercises in the Black Sea. EPA/RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT -- BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE -- MANDATORY CREDIT: RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY PRESS SERVICE -- HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
la guerra

Kiev si prepara alla festa dell’indipendenza, Zelensky: “Temo che Mosca faccia qualcosa di terribile”

Nuovo attacco ucraino in Crimea, Mosca denuncia: “Agenti chimici contro le nostre truppe”

Uccisa in un attentato Daria Dugina, figlia dell’ideologo di Putin. I russi accusano Kiev, che nega

Piazzato un ordigno sulla sua auto: il padre, Oleksandr Dugin, avrebbe dovuto essere sulla vettura
epa10065345 A general view over gas compressor station in Mallnow, Germany, 11 July 2022. The compressor station in Mallnow near the German-Polish border has stopped receiving Russian gas through the Yamal-Europe pipeline, which transits Belarus and Poland, since Russian operator Gazprom in May had discontinued usage of the Poland section. Russian state-controlled gas giant Gazprom on 11 July 2022 suspended deliveries of gas to Germany via Nord Stream 1 for scheduled annual summer maintenance works. EPA/FILIP SINGER
epa10065345 A general view over gas compressor station in Mallnow, Germany, 11 July 2022. The compressor station in Mallnow near the German-Polish border has stopped receiving Russian gas through the Yamal-Europe pipeline, which transits Belarus and Poland, since Russian operator Gazprom in May had discontinued usage of the Poland section. Russian state-controlled gas giant Gazprom on 11 July 2022 suspended deliveries of gas to Germany via Nord Stream 1 for scheduled annual summer maintenance works. EPA/FILIP SINGER

Nord Stream ferma ancora le forniture di gas, il prezzo si impenna. Kiev, raid coi droni in Crimea

Ok di Putin alla missione della Aiea alla centrale nucleare di Zaporizhzhia
Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin (L), during a meeting on the sidelines of the 11th BRICS Summit in Brasilia, Brazil, 13 November 2019. ANSA/RAMIL SITDIKOV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL / POOL MANDATORY CREDIT
Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin (L), during a meeting on the sidelines of the 11th BRICS Summit in Brasilia, Brazil, 13 November 2019. ANSA/RAMIL SITDIKOV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL / POOL MANDATORY CREDIT

Truppe cinesi in Russia per esercitazioni militari congiunte

Parteciperanno anche altri Paesi alleati tra cui India, Bielorussia e Tagikistan
Vladimir Putin (foto Ansa/Epa)
Vladimir Putin (foto Ansa/Epa)

Putin rilancia la “Madre eroina”: premio da 16mila euro a chi ha almeno 10 figli

La decisione contro il crollo dei tassi di natalità
Anatoij Chubais (Ansa - Epa)
Anatoij Chubais (Ansa - Epa)

Olbia, Anatolij Chubais dimesso dall’ospedale

L’ex “delfino” di Putin andrà in Germania per la riabilitazione
Una parte degli oggetti preziosi sequestrati (Ansa - Guardia di finanza)
Una parte degli oggetti preziosi sequestrati (Ansa - Guardia di finanza)

Sequestrati beni per 141 milioni “all’architetto di Putin”, c’è anche una villa in Sardegna

Il 63enne indagato per contrabbando e dichiarazione infedele, riciclaggio, autoriciclaggio e trasferimento fraudolento di valori
Anatolij Chubais (Ansa)
Anatolij Chubais (Ansa)

Malore in Costa Smeralda per l’ex fedelissimo di Putin Anatolij Chubais: non è escluso l’avvelenamento

L’ipotesi più probabile è che sia stato colpito da una malattia neurologica rara che danneggia i nervi periferici, ma sono in corso ulteriori accertamenti
la guerra

I missili su Odessa mettono in crisi l’accordo sul grano. Lavrov: “Aiuteremo gli ucraini a sbarazzarsi del regime di Zelensky”

Mosca nega ogni responsabilità sull’attacco al porto: “Abbiamo colpito infrastrutture militari”
epa10041360 Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting on the sidelines of the 6th Caspian Summit in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 29 June 2022. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi, Russian President Vladimir Putin and President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev are taking part in the summit at the invitation of Turkmen leader Serdar Berdimuhamedov. One of the main issues of the VI Caspian Summit is the organization of a transport corridor through the Caspian Sea. The Trans-Caspian route is the most optimal, fastest, and capable of becoming very active in terms of Russian exports to India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and, on the other hand, to the Persian Gulf states. In the opposite direction, it will work for Russia to receive various imported goods. EPA/GRIGORY SYSOYEV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL MANDATORY CREDIT
epa10041360 Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting on the sidelines of the 6th Caspian Summit in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 29 June 2022. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi, Russian President Vladimir Putin and President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev are taking part in the summit at the invitation of Turkmen leader Serdar Berdimuhamedov. One of the main issues of the VI Caspian Summit is the organization of a transport corridor through the Caspian Sea. The Trans-Caspian route is the most optimal, fastest, and capable of becoming very active in terms of Russian exports to India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and, on the other hand, to the Persian Gulf states. In the opposite direction, it will work for Russia to receive various imported goods. EPA/GRIGORY SYSOYEV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL MANDATORY CREDIT
la guerra

Consegnata a Putin una lettera di Zelensky. Biden: “In Ucraina altre armi per 800 milioni”

Il mediatore è il presidente indonesiano Widodo. Ma Kiev smentisce. Allerta degli 007 americani: “Rischio che Mosca utilizzi armi nucleari”
Il presidente cinese Xi Jinping (foto Ansa/Epa)
Il presidente cinese Xi Jinping (foto Ansa/Epa)
Il summit

Via al vertice dei Paesi Brics, Xi: “No alla mentalità della Guerra Fredda e a sanzioni unilaterali”

Insieme al presidente cinese i leader di Russia, India, Brasile e Sudafrica. Putin: “Cooperare contro le azioni egoistiche dell’Occidente”
Russian President Vladimir Putin gestures during a press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron after their talks in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, 07 February2022. International efforts to defuse the standoff over Ukraine intensified with French President Emmanuel Macron holding talks in Moscow and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Washington to coordinate policies as fears of a Russian invasion mount. ANSA/THIBAULT CAMUS / POOL MAXPPP OUT
Russian President Vladimir Putin gestures during a press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron after their talks in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, 07 February2022. International efforts to defuse the standoff over Ukraine intensified with French President Emmanuel Macron holding talks in Moscow and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Washington to coordinate policies as fears of a Russian invasion mount. ANSA/THIBAULT CAMUS / POOL MAXPPP OUT
san pietroburgo

Putin: “È finita l’era del mondo governato dagli Stati Uniti”

Il presidente russo: “Le sanzioni contro di noi sono folli e sconsiderate. L’operazione in Donbass non c’entra nulla con l’inflazione in Europa”
Vladimir Putin con Alina Kabaeva (Ansa)
Vladimir Putin con Alina Kabaeva (Ansa)
unione europea

Nuove sanzioni: colpiti 65 vip russi. C’è anche la fidanzata di Putin

Nella black lista anche i familiari di Dmitry Peskov, il portavoce del leader di Mosca
epa09935375 Russian President Vladimir Putin enters the Red Square to attend the Victory Day military parade in Moscow, Russia, 09 May 2022. Russia marks Victory Day, Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender in World War 2, with the annual parade in Moscow's Red Square on 09 May, after more than two months of attacks on Ukraine. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV
epa09935375 Russian President Vladimir Putin enters the Red Square to attend the Victory Day military parade in Moscow, Russia, 09 May 2022. Russia marks Victory Day, Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender in World War 2, with the annual parade in Moscow's Red Square on 09 May, after more than two months of attacks on Ukraine. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV
la rivelazione

Gli 007 Usa: “Putin ha il cancro, sottoposto a cure in aprile”

Newsweek: “Secondo l’intelligence americana lo Zar è sempre più paranoico e isolato”
Un edificio danneggiato a Kharkiv (Ansa - Epa)
Un edificio danneggiato a Kharkiv (Ansa - Epa)
la guerra

Dagli Usa missili a lungo raggio a Kiev. Putin: “La crisi del grano non è colpa nostra”

Zelensky: “Vogliono ridurre il Donbass in cenere”. Raid su Dnipro, morti e feriti
Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi looks on during signing of a memorandum of understanding after a meeting with Algerian President at Chigi Palace in Rome, Italy, 26 May 2022. ANSA/ETTORE FERRARI
Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi looks on during signing of a memorandum of understanding after a meeting with Algerian President at Chigi Palace in Rome, Italy, 26 May 2022. ANSA/ETTORE FERRARI

Telefonata Draghi-Putin: “Rassicurazioni su gas e grano. Ma nessuno spiraglio per la pace”

Colloquio tra il presidente del Consiglio italiano e il presidente russo incentrato su Ucraina e crisi alimentare
Vladimir Putin (Ansa - Epa)
Vladimir Putin (Ansa - Epa)
la rivelazione

Russia: la figlia di Putin fidanzata con uno Zelensky

Ma l'ex ballerino Igor non è imparentato con il leader dell’Ucraina
Former Italian Prime Minister and Forza Italia party leader, Silvio Berlusconi, flanked by vice president of the Forza Italia group in the Senate, Licia Ronzulli (R), after voting for municipal elections in Milan, Italy, 03 October 2021. Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin and Bologna hold municipal elections to elect new mayors and city councils on 03 and 04 October. ANSA/ MATTEO CORNER
Former Italian Prime Minister and Forza Italia party leader, Silvio Berlusconi, flanked by vice president of the Forza Italia group in the Senate, Licia Ronzulli (R), after voting for municipal elections in Milan, Italy, 03 October 2021. Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin and Bologna hold municipal elections to elect new mayors and city councils on 03 and 04 October. ANSA/ MATTEO CORNER

Berlusconi: “Il mondo non ha leader, Putin non tratta con chi gli dà del criminale”

Il Cav critico anche sull’invio di armi: “Ora mi dicono anche carri armati e cannoni pesanti, così anche noi siamo in guerra”