
epa10252510 Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with members of the Security Council via a video conference call at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence, outside Moscow, Russia, 19 October 2022. According to the Kremlin, Putin signed a decree introducing martial law on four Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine, the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic, the Zaporizhia and the Kherson regions. EPA/GAVRIIL GRIGOROV/SPUTNIK/KREMLIN POOL / POOL MANDATORY CREDIT
epa10252510 Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with members of the Security Council via a video conference call at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence, outside Moscow, Russia, 19 October 2022. According to the Kremlin, Putin signed a decree introducing martial law on four Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine, the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic, the Zaporizhia and the Kherson regions. EPA/GAVRIIL GRIGOROV/SPUTNIK/KREMLIN POOL / POOL MANDATORY CREDIT
La guerra

Putin firma la legge marziale nelle Regioni annesse: “Se necessario anche in Russia”

Tra le misure che potrebbero essere applicate limitazioni agli spostamenti, coprifuoco e confische di beni
Elia Putzolu (foto Facebook)
Elia Putzolu (foto Facebook)
la storia

Elia Putzolu, chi era il giovane foreign fighter sardo morto nel Donetsk

Si era trasferito prima a Milano dove ha fatto il barista, quindi si è stabilito in Russia e dal 2019 si trovava nel Donbass a combattere con i filorussi
''A rocket in Belgorod fell on a thermal power plant, the light went out. They wanted to shell Kharkiv and ended up shelling themselves'': e' quanto si legge sull'account Twitter Tpyxa English, 14 ottobre 2022. TWITTER/ TPYXA ENGLISH +++ATTENZIONE LA FOTO NON PUO' ESSERE PUBBLICATA O RIPRODOTTA SENZA L'AUTORIZZAZIONE DELLA FONTE DI ORIGINE CUI SI RINVIA+++ (NPK)
''A rocket in Belgorod fell on a thermal power plant, the light went out. They wanted to shell Kharkiv and ended up shelling themselves'': e' quanto si legge sull'account Twitter Tpyxa English, 14 ottobre 2022. TWITTER/ TPYXA ENGLISH +++ATTENZIONE LA FOTO NON PUO' ESSERE PUBBLICATA O RIPRODOTTA SENZA L'AUTORIZZAZIONE DELLA FONTE DI ORIGINE CUI SI RINVIA+++ (NPK)

La guerra sconfina nel fronte russo di Belgorod: 11 militari di Mosca uccisi al poligono militare

Mosca parla di “attacco terroristico”, pioggia di missili su Zaporizhzhia e Kiev
"Le macchine stanno bruciando e le finestre delle case sono state frantumate. Ci sono morti", ha scritto in un tweet il deputato ucraino Oleksiy Goncharenko, aggiungendo che un missile è caduto "proprio nel centro della città". Secondo il consigliere del presidente Volodymyr Zelensky, Anton Gerashchenko, un razzo russo è esploso a Kiev vicino al monumento a Grushevsky. +++ TWITTER/Emine Dzheppar +++ ATTENZIONE LA FOTO NON PUO' ESSERE RIPRODOTTA SENZA L'AUTORIZZAZIONE DELLA FONTE CUI SI RINVIA +++
"Le macchine stanno bruciando e le finestre delle case sono state frantumate. Ci sono morti", ha scritto in un tweet il deputato ucraino Oleksiy Goncharenko, aggiungendo che un missile è caduto "proprio nel centro della città". Secondo il consigliere del presidente Volodymyr Zelensky, Anton Gerashchenko, un razzo russo è esploso a Kiev vicino al monumento a Grushevsky. +++ TWITTER/Emine Dzheppar +++ ATTENZIONE LA FOTO NON PUO' ESSERE RIPRODOTTA SENZA L'AUTORIZZAZIONE DELLA FONTE CUI SI RINVIA +++
la guerra

Onu: “I raid russi crimini di guerra”. Lavrov: “Nucleare solo se rischiamo l’annientamento”

Torna il terrore nella capitale e in diverse altre città che da tempo erano fuori dallo scenario bellico. Nel mirino di Putin c’è Zelensky
Missili russi su Zaporizhzhia (foto Ansa/Epa)
Missili russi su Zaporizhzhia (foto Ansa/Epa)
La guerra

Ucraina, missili russi su Zaporizhzhia: morti e feriti

Distrutto un grattacielo. L’Aiea annuncia: “Ripristinata la linea elettrica alla centrale nucleare”
epa08517373 A handout picture made available by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) shows the Johns Hopkins Glacier in southern Alaska, USA, 27 May 2020 (issued 30 June 2020). Johns Hopkins is one of more than 1,000 glaciers located within the boundaries of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. Most of the park's glaciers are found inland, high in the mountains. In contrast, Johns Hopkins Glacier flows eastward for miles from the Fairweather Range and down into the waters of Johns Hopkins Inlet in Glacier Bay. Johns Hopkins and other glaciers that end in seawater - so-called tidewater glaciers - primarily lose mass through the calving of icebergs. EPA/NASA/OPERATION ICEBRIDGE HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa08517373 A handout picture made available by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) shows the Johns Hopkins Glacier in southern Alaska, USA, 27 May 2020 (issued 30 June 2020). Johns Hopkins is one of more than 1,000 glaciers located within the boundaries of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. Most of the park's glaciers are found inland, high in the mountains. In contrast, Johns Hopkins Glacier flows eastward for miles from the Fairweather Range and down into the waters of Johns Hopkins Inlet in Glacier Bay. Johns Hopkins and other glaciers that end in seawater - so-called tidewater glaciers - primarily lose mass through the calving of icebergs. EPA/NASA/OPERATION ICEBRIDGE HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Fuga dalla mobilitazione di Putin: due russi arrivano in Alaska con una piccola imbarcazione

I cittadini del piccolo villaggio di Gambell erano increduli quando li hanno visti
Joe Biden (foto Ansa(Epa)
Joe Biden (foto Ansa(Epa)
La guerra

Biden: “Putin non scherza, rischio Armageddon”. Zelensky: “Siamo sull’orlo del disastro nucleare”

“Il suo esercito è in difficoltà, e non penso che ci sia la capacità di usare un’arma tattica atomica senza finire nell’Armageddon”, ha detto il presidente Usa
Una mappa militare da cui emerge l'importante ritirata delle forze di Mosca da alcuni territori della regione di Kherson (foto via Ansa)
Una mappa militare da cui emerge l'importante ritirata delle forze di Mosca da alcuni territori della regione di Kherson (foto via Ansa)
la guerra

Esercito di Mosca in ritirata, Putin: “Riprenderemo i territori persi”

Il risultati dei referendum, spiega il presidente russo, “non possono essere messi in discussione”.
epa10147710 A handout photo made available by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Service shows Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a meeting with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine, 30 August 2022. IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi leads an IAEA expert mission that comprises IAEA nuclear safety, security, and safeguards staff as they set for their official visit to Ukraine to the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP). EPA/UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT -- MANDATORY CREDIT: UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE -- HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa10147710 A handout photo made available by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Service shows Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a meeting with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine, 30 August 2022. IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi leads an IAEA expert mission that comprises IAEA nuclear safety, security, and safeguards staff as they set for their official visit to Ukraine to the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP). EPA/UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT -- MANDATORY CREDIT: UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE -- HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
la guerra

Ucraina, liberati territori a Kherson. Mosca ammette la ritirata

Nuova avanzata delle truppe di Zelensky anche nel Donbass e nel Lugansk
Ivan Petunin (Ansa)
Ivan Petunin (Ansa)
l’estremo gesto

Choc in Russia, il rapper Walkie si suicida per non essere arruolato

“Non sono pronto a uccidere, morirò”, ha detto in un video pubblicato sui social poco prima di togliersi la vita. Aveva 27 anni
epa10216023 Russian President Vladimir Putin (C) with Head of the Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin (2-R), Head of the Luhansk People's Republic Leonid Pasechnik (R), Head of the Zaporozhye Region Yevhen Balitsky (2-L), Head of the Kherson Region Vladimir Saldo (L) celebrate during a ceremony to sign treaties on new territories' accession to Russia at the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow, Russia, 30 September 2022. From 23 to 27 September, residents of the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics as well as the Russian-controlled areas of the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine voted in a so-called 'referendum' to join the Russian Federation. EPA/DMITRY ASTAKHOV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL MANDATORY CREDIT
epa10216023 Russian President Vladimir Putin (C) with Head of the Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin (2-R), Head of the Luhansk People's Republic Leonid Pasechnik (R), Head of the Zaporozhye Region Yevhen Balitsky (2-L), Head of the Kherson Region Vladimir Saldo (L) celebrate during a ceremony to sign treaties on new territories' accession to Russia at the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow, Russia, 30 September 2022. From 23 to 27 September, residents of the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics as well as the Russian-controlled areas of the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine voted in a so-called 'referendum' to join the Russian Federation. EPA/DMITRY ASTAKHOV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL MANDATORY CREDIT
guerra in ucraina

Mosca annette i territori del Donbass. Putin: “Milioni di persone hanno scelto. Ora pronti ai negoziati”

Il presidente russo “certifica” il risultato dei referendum farsa. Biden: “Non ci faremo intimidire”
Mosca: “Domani l’annessione dei territori ucraini”. Finlandia verso la chiusura dei confini ai russi (foto Ansa/Epa)
Mosca: “Domani l’annessione dei territori ucraini”. Finlandia verso la chiusura dei confini ai russi (foto Ansa/Epa)
La guerra

Mosca: “Domani l’annessione delle regioni ucraine”. Finlandia verso la chiusura dei confini ai russi

Draghi a Zelensky: “Italia non riconoscerà l’esito del referendum”
epa10209346 A woman holds her ballot during voting in a so-called 'referendum' on the joining of Russian-controlled regions of Ukraine to Russia, at a polling station in Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia region, southeastern Ukraine, 27 September 2022. From 23 to 27 September, residents of the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics as well as the Russian-controlled areas of the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine voted on a so-called 'referendum' to join the Russian Federation. On 24 February 2022 Russian troops entered the Ukrainian territory in what the Russian president declared a 'Special Military Operation', starting an armed conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/STRINGER
epa10209346 A woman holds her ballot during voting in a so-called 'referendum' on the joining of Russian-controlled regions of Ukraine to Russia, at a polling station in Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia region, southeastern Ukraine, 27 September 2022. From 23 to 27 September, residents of the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics as well as the Russian-controlled areas of the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine voted on a so-called 'referendum' to join the Russian Federation. On 24 February 2022 Russian troops entered the Ukrainian territory in what the Russian president declared a 'Special Military Operation', starting an armed conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/STRINGER
la guerra

Referendum, i russi: “Sì all’annessione in tutte e 4 le Regioni”. Zelensky: “Un crimine”

E Medvedev avverte: “La Russia ha il diritto di usare armi nucleari”
Palazzo distrutto a Mariupol (foto Ansa/Epa)
Palazzo distrutto a Mariupol (foto Ansa/Epa)
Guerra in Ucraina

Russi in fuga dalla mobilitazione di Putin: “261mila arruolabili sono scappati”

E non si fermano le manifestazioni, più di 2mila arresti
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia attends the Orthodox Easter holiday service at the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow, Russia, Russia, 23 April 2022. ANSA/ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICHENKO / POOL
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia attends the Orthodox Easter holiday service at the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow, Russia, Russia, 23 April 2022. ANSA/ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICHENKO / POOL

Kirill: “Ai soldati che muoiono in Ucraina saranno lavati via tutti i peccati commessi”

Il patriarca della Chiesa ortodossa russa spinge i fedeli ad arruolarsi con queste parole
Cars coming from Russia wait in long lines at the border checkpoint between Russia and Finland near Vaalimaa, on September 22, 2022. - Finland said on September 21, 2022 it was is preparing a national solution to "limit or completely prevent" tourism from Russia following the invasion of Ukraine. Since Russia's Covid-19 restrictions expired in July, there has been a boom in Russian travellers and a rising backlash in Europe against allowing in Russian tourists while the war continues. (Photo by Olivier MORIN / AFP)
Cars coming from Russia wait in long lines at the border checkpoint between Russia and Finland near Vaalimaa, on September 22, 2022. - Finland said on September 21, 2022 it was is preparing a national solution to "limit or completely prevent" tourism from Russia following the invasion of Ukraine. Since Russia's Covid-19 restrictions expired in July, there has been a boom in Russian travellers and a rising backlash in Europe against allowing in Russian tourists while the war continues. (Photo by Olivier MORIN / AFP)
la decisione

Finlandia, limiti “drastici” all’ingresso dei russi

Dall’annuncio della mobilitazione di Putin gli arrivi sono raddoppiati
Silvio Berlusconi, leader di Fi, in un frame tratto da un video pubblicato su facebook. +++ FACEBOOK/SILVIO BERLUSCONI ++++ NPK +++ ATTENZIONE LA FOTO NON PUO' ESSERE RIPRODOTTA SENZA L'AUTORIZZAZIONE DELLA FONTE CUI SI RINVIA ++++
Silvio Berlusconi, leader di Fi, in un frame tratto da un video pubblicato su facebook. +++ FACEBOOK/SILVIO BERLUSCONI ++++ NPK +++ ATTENZIONE LA FOTO NON PUO' ESSERE RIPRODOTTA SENZA L'AUTORIZZAZIONE DELLA FONTE CUI SI RINVIA ++++
il caso

Berlusconi: “Putin voleva solo sostituire Zelensky con gente perbene ”. È bufera

“Parli come un generale russo”, attacca Calenda. “Parole gravissime”, commenta Letta. Salvini: “Non mi fate interpretare”
epa10197272 Russian policemen detain a participant of an unauthorised protest against the partial mobilisation due to the conflict in Ukraine, in central Moscow, Russia, 21 September 2022. Russian President President Putin has signed a decree on partial mobilization in the Russian Federation, with mobilization activities starting on 21 September. Russian citizens who are in the reserve will be called up for military service. On 24 February 2022 Russian troops entered the Ukrainian territory in what the Russian president declared a 'Special Military Operation', starting an armed conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV
epa10197272 Russian policemen detain a participant of an unauthorised protest against the partial mobilisation due to the conflict in Ukraine, in central Moscow, Russia, 21 September 2022. Russian President President Putin has signed a decree on partial mobilization in the Russian Federation, with mobilization activities starting on 21 September. Russian citizens who are in the reserve will be called up for military service. On 24 February 2022 Russian troops entered the Ukrainian territory in what the Russian president declared a 'Special Military Operation', starting an armed conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV

Fuga dalla Russia, biglietti esauriti e prezzi alle stelle. Proteste nelle città, più di mille arresti

Si infiammano di nuovo le piazze, mentre Helsinki teme un enorme afflusso via terra
epa10197090 President Joseph Biden of the US delivers his address during the 77th General Debate inside the General Assembly Hall at United Nations Headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 21 September 2022. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa10197090 President Joseph Biden of the US delivers his address during the 77th General Debate inside the General Assembly Hall at United Nations Headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 21 September 2022. EPA/JASON SZENES
new york

Biden: “Una guerra nucleare non va fatta, le minacce di Putin spericolate e irresponsabili”

“Ha violato i principi della Carta Onu, vuole annientare l’Ucraina”