
Rapporto del ministero della Difesa russo sullo stato di avanzamento dell'operazione militare speciale in Ucraina, 19 giugno 2022. ANSA/MINISTERO DIFESA RUSSO +++ ATTENZIONE LA FOTO NON PUO' ESSERE PUBBLICATA O RIPRODOTTA SENZA L'AUTORIZZAZIONE DELLA FONTE DI ORIGINE CUI SI RINVIA+++
Rapporto del ministero della Difesa russo sullo stato di avanzamento dell'operazione militare speciale in Ucraina, 19 giugno 2022. ANSA/MINISTERO DIFESA RUSSO +++ ATTENZIONE LA FOTO NON PUO' ESSERE PUBBLICATA O RIPRODOTTA SENZA L'AUTORIZZAZIONE DELLA FONTE DI ORIGINE CUI SI RINVIA+++
il conflitto

Armi, appello di Zelensky all’Italia in vista del voto del Parlamento: “Per favore, sosteneteci”

Continua l’assedio dei russi, che vogliono conquistare il Lugansk entro domenica
epa10020919 Locals look at destroyed buildings in Lysychansk after heavy fighting in the Luhansk area, Ukraine, 18 June 2022, five kilometers north-east of Severodonetsk. The city and its surroundings have turned into a battlefield in the past weeks. Russian troops on 24 February had invaded Ukraine, starting a conflict that provoked death, destruction and a humanitarian crisis ever since. EPA/OLEKSANDR RATUSHNIAK
epa10020919 Locals look at destroyed buildings in Lysychansk after heavy fighting in the Luhansk area, Ukraine, 18 June 2022, five kilometers north-east of Severodonetsk. The city and its surroundings have turned into a battlefield in the past weeks. Russian troops on 24 February had invaded Ukraine, starting a conflict that provoked death, destruction and a humanitarian crisis ever since. EPA/OLEKSANDR RATUSHNIAK
il conflitto

Guerra in Ucraina, la Nato: “Potrebbe durare anni”. Lavrov: “Non obbediremo alle regole inventate dagli Usa”

Il segretario generale Stoltenberg: “Non ridurre il sostegno a Kiev, anche se i costi sono alti”
epa10019071 A handout photo made available by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Service shows Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (R) and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (L) walking on the square near St. Mikhailovsky Cathedral in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine, 17 June 2022. During his visit to Kyiv, Johnson offered to launch a major training operation for Ukrainian forces. EPA/UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT MANDATORY CREDIT: UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa10019071 A handout photo made available by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Service shows Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (R) and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (L) walking on the square near St. Mikhailovsky Cathedral in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine, 17 June 2022. During his visit to Kyiv, Johnson offered to launch a major training operation for Ukrainian forces. EPA/UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT MANDATORY CREDIT: UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
il conflitto

Mosca: “L’Ucraina con i confini di prima non c’è più”. Zelensky in visita a Odessa e Mykolaiv

Online un sito per denunciare i crimini di guerra delle truppe russe. Visita a sorpresa di Johnson
Seconda visita del premier britannico Boris Johnson a Kiev dall'inizio dell'azione militare russa in Ucraina, 17 giugno 2022. Si tratta di un nuovo viaggio a sorpresa, destinato a essere coronato con un altro faccia a faccia con il presidente ucraina Volodymyr Zelensky, che nelle ultime settimane ha più volte elogiato BoJo come "un amico" e il governo britannico come un esempio in seno al fronte occidentale nel sostegno - anche militare - al suo Paese. TELEGRAM ZELENSKY +++ ATTENZIONE LA FOTO NON PUO' ESSERE PUBBLICATA O RIPRODOTTA SENZA L'AUTORIZZAZIONE DELLA FONTE DI ORIGINE CUI SI RINVIA+++
Seconda visita del premier britannico Boris Johnson a Kiev dall'inizio dell'azione militare russa in Ucraina, 17 giugno 2022. Si tratta di un nuovo viaggio a sorpresa, destinato a essere coronato con un altro faccia a faccia con il presidente ucraina Volodymyr Zelensky, che nelle ultime settimane ha più volte elogiato BoJo come "un amico" e il governo britannico come un esempio in seno al fronte occidentale nel sostegno - anche militare - al suo Paese. TELEGRAM ZELENSKY +++ ATTENZIONE LA FOTO NON PUO' ESSERE PUBBLICATA O RIPRODOTTA SENZA L'AUTORIZZAZIONE DELLA FONTE DI ORIGINE CUI SI RINVIA+++
il conflitto

Johnson, visita a sorpresa a Kiev. Angela Merkel in campo: “Potrei mediare, ma non ora”

La Commissione Ue accetta lo status di candidato all’ingresso nell’Unione dell’Ucraina
epa10011669 Ukrainian flag is seen on Maidan Nezhalezhnosti Square in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine, 13 June 2022. On 24 February Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/OLEG PETRASYUK
epa10011669 Ukrainian flag is seen on Maidan Nezhalezhnosti Square in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine, 13 June 2022. On 24 February Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/OLEG PETRASYUK
il conflitto

Ucraina, un’altra fossa comune di civili a Bucha. Mosca: “Corridoi per i civili all’Azot”

Zelensky: “I negoziati? Devono essere diretti. Pronto a negoziare con Putin”
epaselect epa10008176 Ukrainian civilians take part in tactical training in the Western Ukrainian city of Lviv, Ukraine, 11 June 2022, to learn military skills amid the Russian invasion. On 24 February Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/MYKOLA TYS
epaselect epa10008176 Ukrainian civilians take part in tactical training in the Western Ukrainian city of Lviv, Ukraine, 11 June 2022, to learn military skills amid the Russian invasion. On 24 February Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/MYKOLA TYS
il conflitto

Erdogan: “La prossima settimana parlo con Putin e Zelensky”

Spiaggia di Mariupol “completamente sminata”, annunciano i russi
epa10006872 A military medic gives first aid to an injured Ukrainian serviceman close to a front line near the small city of Svitlodarsk of Donetsk area, 10 June 2022 amid heavy fighting in that region in the last days. Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory on 24 February causing fighting and destruction and a humanitarian crisis. According to the UNHCR, more than 6.9 million refugees have fled Ukraine, and a further 7.7 million people have been displaced internally within Ukraine since. EPA/STR
epa10006872 A military medic gives first aid to an injured Ukrainian serviceman close to a front line near the small city of Svitlodarsk of Donetsk area, 10 June 2022 amid heavy fighting in that region in the last days. Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory on 24 February causing fighting and destruction and a humanitarian crisis. According to the UNHCR, more than 6.9 million refugees have fled Ukraine, and a further 7.7 million people have been displaced internally within Ukraine since. EPA/STR
la guerra

Biden-Zelensky, botta e risposta e polemiche. Bild: “Draghi, Scholz e Macron presto a Kiev”

Il presidente Usa: “Lo avvisai dell’attacco imminente, non mi volle sentire”. Replica piccata dell’entourage del leader ucraino
epa09991515 A policeman stands near a damaged school in the aftermath of an overnight rocket attack near Kharkiv, Ukraine, 02 June 2022. Russian troops on 24 February entered Ukrainian territory, starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. According to data released by the United Nations refugee agency UNHCR on 29 May, over 6.8 million people have fled Ukraine since Russian troops entered the country on 24 February 2022. EPA/SERGEY KOZLOV
epa09991515 A policeman stands near a damaged school in the aftermath of an overnight rocket attack near Kharkiv, Ukraine, 02 June 2022. Russian troops on 24 February entered Ukrainian territory, starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. According to data released by the United Nations refugee agency UNHCR on 29 May, over 6.8 million people have fled Ukraine since Russian troops entered the country on 24 February 2022. EPA/SERGEY KOZLOV
guerra in ucraina

Ucraina, “il generale Dvornikov non è più a capo delle truppe russe”. Putin: “Pronti a sbloccare l’export del grano”

Cento giorni di conflitto. Bimbi nei bunker della fabbrica chimica Azot a Severodonetsk
epa09988725 Ukrainian servicemen patrol the territory close to a front line near the small city of Bakhmut, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 31 May 2022. Russian troops entered Ukraine on 24 February resulting in fighting and destruction in the country and triggering a series of severe economic sanctions on Russia by Western countries. EPA/STR
epa09988725 Ukrainian servicemen patrol the territory close to a front line near the small city of Bakhmut, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 31 May 2022. Russian troops entered Ukraine on 24 February resulting in fighting and destruction in the country and triggering a series of severe economic sanctions on Russia by Western countries. EPA/STR
il conflitto

Zelensky: “La Russia controlla il 20% dell'Ucraina”. Ue, fumata bianca per le nuove sanzioni a Mosca

Londra invia nuove armi a Kiev: “Consentiranno ai nostri amici ucraini di proteggersi meglio”
epa09988728 Ukrainian servicemen patrol the territory close to a front line near the small city of Bakhmut, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 31 May 2022. Russian troops entered Ukraine on 24 February resulting in fighting and destruction in the country and triggering a series of severe economic sanctions on Russia by Western countries. EPA/STR
epa09988728 Ukrainian servicemen patrol the territory close to a front line near the small city of Bakhmut, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 31 May 2022. Russian troops entered Ukraine on 24 February resulting in fighting and destruction in the country and triggering a series of severe economic sanctions on Russia by Western countries. EPA/STR
il conflitto

Biden invia missili a Kiev, Lavrov: “Così si allarga il conflitto”

Zelensky precisa: “Non abbiamo intenzione di attaccare la Russia”
A young boy sits in front of a damaged building after a strike in Kramatorsk in the eastern Ukranian region of Donbas, on May 25, 2022. (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS / AFP)
A young boy sits in front of a damaged building after a strike in Kramatorsk in the eastern Ukranian region of Donbas, on May 25, 2022. (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS / AFP)
il conflitto

La minaccia di Lavrov: “Se le armi dell’Occidente colpiscono la Russia si rischia una grave escalation”

Sanna Marin in visita a Irpin, Zelensky: “Nessuna cessione territoriale in cambio della pace”
A picture taken during a media tour organized by the Russian Army shows local youths walking past a Russian serviceman in Skadovsk, Kherson region, Ukraine, 20 May 2022 (issued 21 May 2022). The Russian-appointed head of Ukraine's Kherson region, Volodymyr Saldo, said that the area will 'soon become part of the Russian Federation'. The governor was installed by Russian forces after they took control of the southern Ukrainian region in March 2022. ANSA/SERGEI ILNITSKY
A picture taken during a media tour organized by the Russian Army shows local youths walking past a Russian serviceman in Skadovsk, Kherson region, Ukraine, 20 May 2022 (issued 21 May 2022). The Russian-appointed head of Ukraine's Kherson region, Volodymyr Saldo, said that the area will 'soon become part of the Russian Federation'. The governor was installed by Russian forces after they took control of the southern Ukrainian region in March 2022. ANSA/SERGEI ILNITSKY
il conflitto

Lugansk, il 95% della Regione è in mano ai russi. Kiev attacca la Nato: “Non fa nulla contro l’invasione”

Zelensky torna a chiedere supporto militare sotto forma di armi ed equipaggiamenti
Il segretario generale della Nato Jens Stoltenberg (Ansa)
Il segretario generale della Nato Jens Stoltenberg (Ansa)
il punto di vista

Unipolarismo contro bipolarismo: le radici dell’allargamento Nato

L’attuale situazione finirà col rendere particolarmente incerto e traballante il costituendo (se davvero così è) ordine mondiale