Cronaca Mondo

Cronaca Mondo

#AccaddeOggi: 29 agosto 2005, l'uragano Katrina arriva a New Orleans, è strage

Uno dei più gravi della storia statunitense, farà oltre 1.800 morti

Выступает Генеральный секретарь ЦК КПСС Михаил Сергеевич Горбачев. XX съезд ВЛКСМ. Кремлевский Дворец съездов.
Выступает Генеральный секретарь ЦК КПСС Михаил Сергеевич Горбачев. XX съезд ВЛКСМ. Кремлевский Дворец съездов.
Cronaca Mondo

#AccaddeOggi: Gorbaciov si dimette da segretario del Partito Comunista

Il partito si disgrega, un passo fondamentale verso la dissoluzione dell'Urss

epa09862691 Taliban attend a ceremony to hoist largest flag and emblem of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, in Kabul, Afghanistan, 31 March 2022. The Taliban on 31 March, replaced the black-red-and-green Afghan national flag atop the historic Wazir Akbar Khan hill in Kabul with their white banner that bears the Islamic proclamation of faith inscribed in black. The issue of replacing the national flag, which had become a symbol of resistance days before the Taliban swept to power in Afghanistan in August 2021, had become precarious. EPA/STRINGER
epa09862691 Taliban attend a ceremony to hoist largest flag and emblem of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, in Kabul, Afghanistan, 31 March 2022. The Taliban on 31 March, replaced the black-red-and-green Afghan national flag atop the historic Wazir Akbar Khan hill in Kabul with their white banner that bears the Islamic proclamation of faith inscribed in black. The issue of replacing the national flag, which had become a symbol of resistance days before the Taliban swept to power in Afghanistan in August 2021, had become precarious. EPA/STRINGER
Cronaca Mondo

#AccaddeOggi: 15 agosto 2021, i talebani conquistano Kabul

L'attacco dei talebani sotto la bandiera dell'Emirato islamico

epa03035259 View of two people at a smoking site of a business building in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 15 December 2011, after Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff passed a law banning smoking in enclosed public places and prohibiting tobacco advertising. The ban ends the rooms dedicated to smokers in airports, shopping centers or companies that currently were still allowed in several states of the Latin American country. EPA/Marcelo Sayão
epa03035259 View of two people at a smoking site of a business building in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 15 December 2011, after Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff passed a law banning smoking in enclosed public places and prohibiting tobacco advertising. The ban ends the rooms dedicated to smokers in airports, shopping centers or companies that currently were still allowed in several states of the Latin American country. EPA/Marcelo Sayão
Cronaca Mondo

#AccaddeOggi: 1 agosto 2005, nell'Ue il divieto di pubblicità ai derivati del tabacco

Il fumo è uno dei pericoli più grandi per la salute

epa02259621 Techno music fans watch floats passing by during the Loveparade in Duisburg, Germany, 24 July 2010. Hundreds of thousands of ravers attend the Loveparade that takes place in Duisburg for the third time. EPA/RENE?TILLMANN
epa02259621 Techno music fans watch floats passing by during the Loveparade in Duisburg, Germany, 24 July 2010. Hundreds of thousands of ravers attend the Loveparade that takes place in Duisburg for the third time. EPA/RENE?TILLMANN
Cronaca Mondo

#AccaddeOggi: 24 luglio 2010, strage alla LoveParade di Duisburg

Tra le 21 vittime anche una ragazza italiana

Combo 2
Combo 2
Cronaca Mondo

#AccaddeOggi: 20 luglio 2012, il massacro di Aurora

Un ragazzo spara alla prima del film di Batman, 14 morti e decine di feriti

Cronaca Mondo

#AccaddeOggi: 6 giugno 2004, muore Ronald Reagan

Il decesso a 93 anni nella sua casa a Los Angeles, dopo che per una decina d'anni aveva combattuto l'Alzheimer

Cronaca Mondo

#AccaddeOggi: 5 giugno 2006, ucciso in Iraq un militare di Selargius

Una bomba contro la Brigata Sassari uccide Alessandro Pibiri, 25 anni

Cronaca Mondo

#AccaddeOggi: 24 aprile 1990, viene lanciato il telescopio spaziale Hubble

Ha realizzato alcune delle più famose visuali profonde nello Spazio

A delegate passes a tent in the shape of the earth at the conclusion of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg Wednesday Sept. 4, 2002. The ten day summit concluded on Wednesday. Many non governmental organizations walked out of the final day of the summit to protest the lack of new measures agreed to at the summit. (AP Photo/Saurabh Das)
A delegate passes a tent in the shape of the earth at the conclusion of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg Wednesday Sept. 4, 2002. The ten day summit concluded on Wednesday. Many non governmental organizations walked out of the final day of the summit to protest the lack of new measures agreed to at the summit. (AP Photo/Saurabh Das)
Cronaca Mondo

#AccaddeOggi: 22 aprile, la Giornata mondiale della Terra

L'iniziativa coinvolge tantissimi Stati in tutto il mondo

epa05894623 Swedish police and emergency services gather at the site where a truck reportedly crashed into a department store in central Stockholm, Sweden, 07 April 2017. A truck has driven into a department store on Drottninggatan street (Queen Street) in central Stockholm, media reported quoting local police. According to initial reports, at least three people were killed and others were injured in the incident, media added. EPA/ANDERS WIKLUND SWEDEN OUT
epa05894623 Swedish police and emergency services gather at the site where a truck reportedly crashed into a department store in central Stockholm, Sweden, 07 April 2017. A truck has driven into a department store on Drottninggatan street (Queen Street) in central Stockholm, media reported quoting local police. According to initial reports, at least three people were killed and others were injured in the incident, media added. EPA/ANDERS WIKLUND SWEDEN OUT
Cronaca Mondo

#AccaddeOggi: 7 aprile 2017, camion sulla folla a Stoccolma

Cinque vittime nel'attentato di un uzbeko filo-Isis