
Alta tensione tra Cina e Taiwan per le esercitazioni delle forze armate di Pechino
Alta tensione tra Cina e Taiwan per le esercitazioni delle forze armate di Pechino
lo scontro

Alta tensione a Taiwan: intorno all’isola 12 navi e 91 aerei da guerra cinesi

Imponente schieramento nel terzo e ultimo giorno di manovre dei militari di Pechino
epaselect epa10565838 A Taiwan Air Force Mirage 2000 fighter jet makes an approach for landing inside the airbase in Hsinchu, Taiwan, 09 April 2023. China announced three days of military drills around Taiwan and flew dozens of planes across the Taiwan Strait median line, following the Taiwanese president’s visit to the United States. EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epaselect epa10565838 A Taiwan Air Force Mirage 2000 fighter jet makes an approach for landing inside the airbase in Hsinchu, Taiwan, 09 April 2023. China announced three days of military drills around Taiwan and flew dozens of planes across the Taiwan Strait median line, following the Taiwanese president’s visit to the United States. EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO

La Cina simula il “blocco armato”: alta tensione attorno a Taiwan

Le grandi manovre di Pechino spaventano l’isola: impiegati settanta aerei e undici navi dotate di «armamenti veri»
epaselect epa10109557 Three Taiwanese Air Force Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets taxi on the runway before take off at an airbase in Hsinchu, Taiwan, 07 August 2022. Following a visit of US House of Representatives Speaker Pelosi to Taiwan, the Chinese military started to hold a series of live-fire drills in six maritime areas around Taiwan's main islan from 04 to 07 August 2022. EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epaselect epa10109557 Three Taiwanese Air Force Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets taxi on the runway before take off at an airbase in Hsinchu, Taiwan, 07 August 2022. Following a visit of US House of Representatives Speaker Pelosi to Taiwan, the Chinese military started to hold a series of live-fire drills in six maritime areas around Taiwan's main islan from 04 to 07 August 2022. EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
alta tensione

Taiwan, rilevati 8 navi e 42 aerei cinesi. Pechino: «Sono prove di accerchiamento»

Le esercitazioni sono un «severo monito» dopo la visita negli Usa della presidente taiwanese
epa10560567 U.S. House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R) and Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen shake hands after holding a press conference following a bilateral meeting at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, USA, 05 April 2023. This meeting takes place amid rising tension between the United States and China, as well as between China and Taiwan. EPA/ETIENNE LAURENT
epa10560567 U.S. House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R) and Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen shake hands after holding a press conference following a bilateral meeting at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, USA, 05 April 2023. This meeting takes place amid rising tension between the United States and China, as well as between China and Taiwan. EPA/ETIENNE LAURENT
alta tensione

Jet e navi cinesi attorno a Taiwan. Pechino: «Difenderemo l’integrità nazionale»

La Repubblica popolare promette «risposte risolute» dopo l’incontro tra la presidente dell’isola rivendicata e lo speaker della Camera Usa
Navi militari a Taiwan (foto Ansa/Epa)
Navi militari a Taiwan (foto Ansa/Epa)

Cina-Taiwan, cresce la tensione: Pechino lancia un’operazione di pattugliamento nello Stretto

L’annuncio a poche ore dall'incontro Tsai-McCarthy di Los Angeles
(foto Ansa)
(foto Ansa)

Ultimatum di Pechino agli Usa: «Taiwan è nostra. Accordo subito o guerra con esiti catastrofici»

E sulla crisi ucraina: «I rapporti con la Russia sono un modello da seguire. Più turbolento è il mondo, più li rafforzeremo»
epaselect epa10246605 Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) sits beside former President Hu Jintao during the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China at the Great Hall of People in Beijing, China, 16 October 2022. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China opens on 16 October where Chinese President Xi Jinping is expected to be granted a third five-year term. EPA/MARK R. CRISTINO
epaselect epa10246605 Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) sits beside former President Hu Jintao during the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China at the Great Hall of People in Beijing, China, 16 October 2022. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China opens on 16 October where Chinese President Xi Jinping is expected to be granted a third five-year term. EPA/MARK R. CRISTINO

Xi e la questione Taiwan: “La riunificazione della patria sarà realizzata”

Il presidente al XX Congresso del Pcc: “Non rinunceremo mai all’uso della forza riprenderci l’isola”
epa10155646 US President Joe Biden (R) and First Lady Jill Biden (L) walk on the South Lawn to depart the White House by Marine One, in Washington, DC, USA, 02 September 2022. President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden travel to Camp David. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS
epa10155646 US President Joe Biden (R) and First Lady Jill Biden (L) walk on the South Lawn to depart the White House by Marine One, in Washington, DC, USA, 02 September 2022. President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden travel to Camp David. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS
lo scontro

Biden vende armi per oltre 1 miliardo a Taiwan, l’ira di Pechino: “Contromisure”

Tensione alle stelle, la Cina continua ad inviare navi e portaerei nello Stretto
Taiwan schiera i jet da combattimento (foto Ansa/Epa)
Taiwan schiera i jet da combattimento (foto Ansa/Epa)
Alta tensione

Taiwan schiera i jet da combattimento. Ira cinese per i colloqui commerciali Taipei-Washington

Pechino: “Pronti ad adottare tutte le misure necessarie per salvaguardare con decisione sovranità, sicurezza e interessi di sviluppo"
epa10121097 A handout photo made available by the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shows (L-R), US Representative Alan Lowenthal, US Congressman John Garamendi, Taiwan’s Director-General Yu-Tien Hsu, of the Department of North American Affairs under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, US Congressman Don Bayer, and Congresswoman Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen, posing for photographs upon arrival at Songshan International airport, in Taipei, Taiwan, 14 August 2022. The delegation of US lawmakers will meet Taiwan senior officials to discuss US Taiwan relations, regional security, trade and investment, global supply chains, climate change, and other significant issues of mutual interest. EPA/MOFA TAIWAN HANDOUT HANDOUT MANDATORY CREDIT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa10121097 A handout photo made available by the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shows (L-R), US Representative Alan Lowenthal, US Congressman John Garamendi, Taiwan’s Director-General Yu-Tien Hsu, of the Department of North American Affairs under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, US Congressman Don Bayer, and Congresswoman Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen, posing for photographs upon arrival at Songshan International airport, in Taipei, Taiwan, 14 August 2022. The delegation of US lawmakers will meet Taiwan senior officials to discuss US Taiwan relations, regional security, trade and investment, global supply chains, climate change, and other significant issues of mutual interest. EPA/MOFA TAIWAN HANDOUT HANDOUT MANDATORY CREDIT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
alta tensione

Parlamentari Usa a Taiwan, nuove esercitazioni militari cinesi: “L’isola è nostra”

Visita a sorpresa di una delegazione del Congresso, la dura risposta di Pechino: “Non consentiremo interferenze”
Taiwan: “Cina prepara l’invasione e il cambio dello status quo” (foto Ansa/Epa)
Taiwan: “Cina prepara l’invasione e il cambio dello status quo” (foto Ansa/Epa)

Taiwan: “Cina prepara l’invasione e il cambio dello status quo”

Il ministro degli Esteri di Taipei: “Conseguenze per tutta l’area dell’Asia-Pacifico”
Taiwan, proseguono le manovre militari cinesi intorno all’isola (foto Ansa/Epa)
Taiwan, proseguono le manovre militari cinesi intorno all’isola (foto Ansa/Epa)
Nuovo annuncio

Taiwan, proseguono le manovre militari cinesi intorno all’isola

Il traffico aereo sta progressivamente tornando alla normalità
Aerei militari di Taiwan (Ansa - Epa)
Aerei militari di Taiwan (Ansa - Epa)

Taiwan, 14 navi e 66 jet cinesi rilevati intorno all’isola

In settimana l’esercitazione militare “a fuoco vivo”
Taiwan, “aerei e navi cinesi hanno superato linea mediana” (foto da frame video)
Taiwan, “aerei e navi cinesi hanno superato linea mediana” (foto da frame video)
Alta tensione

Taiwan, “aerei e navi cinesi hanno superato la linea mediana”. Singapore Airlines cancella i voli da e per l’Isola

Il ministero della Difesa: “Manovre altamente provocatorie”. Nancy Pelosi: “Usa non permetteranno alla Cina di isolare Taiwan”
Nancy Pelosi in visita a Kuala Lumpur, in Malesia (foto Ansa)
Nancy Pelosi in visita a Kuala Lumpur, in Malesia (foto Ansa)
Alta tensione

Nancy Pelosi verso Taiwan: scambio di avvertimenti fra Usa e Cina

La speaker della Camera americana potrebbe arrivare a Taiwan alle 22 ora locale. Navi e aerei da guerra cinesi intorno all’isola
epa10005873 China’s Minister of National Defense General Wei Fenghe (C) speaks to an aide during the Opening of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Shangri-la Dialogue at the Shangri-la hotel in Singapore, 10 June 2022. Defense ministers and officials from 42 countries are gathered in the city state for the IISS Shangri-la Dialogue, an annual high level defence summit in the Asia Pacific region that has been on hold for the past two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The summit will be held from 10-12 June 2022 EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
epa10005873 China’s Minister of National Defense General Wei Fenghe (C) speaks to an aide during the Opening of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Shangri-la Dialogue at the Shangri-la hotel in Singapore, 10 June 2022. Defense ministers and officials from 42 countries are gathered in the city state for the IISS Shangri-la Dialogue, an annual high level defence summit in the Asia Pacific region that has been on hold for the past two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The summit will be held from 10-12 June 2022 EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
lo scontro

Cina avverte gli Usa: “Non osate dividerci da Taiwan, non esiteremo a fare una guerra”

A Singapore primo incontro tra i ministri della Difesa da quando Austin è al Pentagono, duro scontro su Taiwan
epa09969111 A handout photo made available by Japan's Imperial Household Agency and provided via Jiji Press shows US President Joe Biden (L) meeting with Japan's Emperor Naruhito at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan, 23 May 2022. Biden is in Japan for a three-day official visit. EPA/IMPERIAL HOUSEHOLD AGENCY HANDOUT IMPERIAL HOUSEHOLD AGENCY HANDOUT/EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO COMMERCIAL USE/NO MODIFICATION INCLUDING TRIMMING/MANDATORY CREDIT/JAPAN OUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa09969111 A handout photo made available by Japan's Imperial Household Agency and provided via Jiji Press shows US President Joe Biden (L) meeting with Japan's Emperor Naruhito at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan, 23 May 2022. Biden is in Japan for a three-day official visit. EPA/IMPERIAL HOUSEHOLD AGENCY HANDOUT IMPERIAL HOUSEHOLD AGENCY HANDOUT/EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO COMMERCIAL USE/NO MODIFICATION INCLUDING TRIMMING/MANDATORY CREDIT/JAPAN OUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
botta e risposta

Biden: “Useremo la forza se la Cina invade Taiwan”. Pechino: “Non interferisca”

Pechino replica al presidente Usa: “Mai sottovalutare la nostra determinazione a tutela della sovranità”
epa09502486 A handout photo made available by Taiwan Ministry of National Defense on 02 October 2021 shows a Chinese PLA Shenyang J-16 fighter, following the incursion of nineteen Chinese PLA warplanes including 12 J-16 fighters into Taiwan’s AZID (Air defense identification zone) on 02 October 2021. According to Taiwan Ministry of National Defense, a total of 38 Chinese warplanes sent in two waves have been spotted in the AZID of the self-ruled island on 02 October, and the incursions have lasted for 11 consecutive days. EPA/TAIWAN MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFE HANDOUT HANDOUT/ EDITORIAL USE ONLY/ NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa09502486 A handout photo made available by Taiwan Ministry of National Defense on 02 October 2021 shows a Chinese PLA Shenyang J-16 fighter, following the incursion of nineteen Chinese PLA warplanes including 12 J-16 fighters into Taiwan’s AZID (Air defense identification zone) on 02 October 2021. According to Taiwan Ministry of National Defense, a total of 38 Chinese warplanes sent in two waves have been spotted in the AZID of the self-ruled island on 02 October, and the incursions have lasted for 11 consecutive days. EPA/TAIWAN MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFE HANDOUT HANDOUT/ EDITORIAL USE ONLY/ NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Pechino avverte gli Usa: “A Taiwan si sta creando una situazione pericolosa”

Monito a Washington, che sta vendendo armi e facendo passare navi della sua marina nello stretto
Jet dell'aviazione di Taiwan (Ansa)
Jet dell'aviazione di Taiwan (Ansa)
alta tensione

Tredici caccia militari cinesi avvistati nei cieli di Taiwan

Allerta per velivoli dell’esercito di Pechino nella zona di identificazione aerea dell’isola rivendicata dalla Repubblica popolare

Un jet militare cinese (Ansa)
Un jet militare cinese (Ansa)

Otto jet militari cinesi invadono lo spazio aereo di Taiwan: alta tensione

L’incursione nel giorno dell'incontro tra il segretario di Stato Usa Antony Blinken e il ministro degli Esteri Wang Yi a Roma