olaf scholz

epaselect epa11418180 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrives at a European People’s Party (EPP) leaders meeting in Brussels, Belgium, 17 June 2024. EU leaders gather in Brussels following the European Parliament elections to discuss the next institutional cycle and to renew the European institutions top jobs with the need to reflect the diversity of the EU in terms of geography, country size, gender, and political affiliation. EPA/OLIVIER MATTHYS
epaselect epa11418180 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrives at a European People’s Party (EPP) leaders meeting in Brussels, Belgium, 17 June 2024. EU leaders gather in Brussels following the European Parliament elections to discuss the next institutional cycle and to renew the European institutions top jobs with the need to reflect the diversity of the EU in terms of geography, country size, gender, and political affiliation. EPA/OLIVIER MATTHYS
le trattative

Vertice Ue, ancora forte l’ipotesi von der Leyen alla Commissione europea. Scholz: «Bis senza le destre»

Ai socialisti andrebbe la presidenza del Consiglio Europeo, ai liberali la responsabilità per la politica estera
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (R) and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (L) hold a joint news conference following their meeting at Chigi Palace in Rome, Italy, 08 June 2023. ANSA/ETTORE FERRARI
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (R) and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (L) hold a joint news conference following their meeting at Chigi Palace in Rome, Italy, 08 June 2023. ANSA/ETTORE FERRARI
palazzo chigi

Meloni riceve Scholz: «Sui migranti più attenzione ai Paesi Ue sotto pressione»

La premier e il cancelliere tedesco concordi sul sostegno all’Ucraina «finché sarà necessario»

Kiev bombarda la regione russa di Kursk, Scholz avverte la Cina: «Se aiuterà Mosca ci saranno conseguenze»

Abbattuti 13 droni kamikaze Shahed-136 lanciati sul territorio ucraino
Kharkiv (Ansa)
Kharkiv (Ansa)

Kharkiv, colpito un condominio: morti e feriti. Zelensky in pressing sugli alleati per le armi

Il presidente ucraino chiede missili più a lunga gittata (300 km) e quello che fino a poco fa era un tabù per l’Occidente, i caccia
epa10059569 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks during a press conference after the Munich High-Level Economic Talks in Munich, Germany, 08 July 2022. The talks are a high level conference with representatives of the four largest German employer and trade associations that is held annually during the international trade fair in Munich. EPA/LEONHARD SIMON
epa10059569 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks during a press conference after the Munich High-Level Economic Talks in Munich, Germany, 08 July 2022. The talks are a high level conference with representatives of the four largest German employer and trade associations that is held annually during the international trade fair in Munich. EPA/LEONHARD SIMON

Scandalo Spd, droga dello stupro alla festa del partito: 9 vittime, presente anche il cancelliere Scholz

Almeno nove donne narcotizzate, imbarazzo tra i vertici del partito, quasi tutti presenti all’evento
epa10015819 (L-R) Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, French President Emmanuel Macron and Romanian President Klaus Iohannis meet for a working session in Mariinsky Palace, in Kyiv, Ukraine, 16 June 2022. French President Emmanuel Macron, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrived on a night train from Poland to Kyiv and will meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, at a time when the country is pushing for EU membership. EPA/LUDOVIC MARIN / POOL MAXPPP OUT
epa10015819 (L-R) Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, French President Emmanuel Macron and Romanian President Klaus Iohannis meet for a working session in Mariinsky Palace, in Kyiv, Ukraine, 16 June 2022. French President Emmanuel Macron, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrived on a night train from Poland to Kyiv and will meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, at a time when the country is pushing for EU membership. EPA/LUDOVIC MARIN / POOL MAXPPP OUT
La guerra

Draghi, Macron e Scholz da Zelensky: “Sostegno a Kiev. Vogliamo l’Ucraina nell’Ue”

I tre leader hanno visitato Irpin, Medvedev insulta: “Mangia rane, salsicce e spaghetti”