Urban daspo for the three young people who unleashed the far west in Piazza d'Italia in Sassari a month ago .

The provisions issued by the questore prohibit the three from entering and even simply stopping near alcoholic beverages and public entertainment venues in most of the city.

The territorial band encloses the entire historic center and the main places for strolling and evening meeting .

For two of them the Daspo is valid for a year and a half, for the third two years.

The three boys, two from Sassari and one from the hinterland, first annoyed the customers of a bar in the square on November 10, then unleashed a furious brawl by attacking the waiter and some patrons .

To unleash the fury of three, appeased by the intervention of the municipal police, the refusal of the manager of a bar to serve them alcohol. In spite of himself, an elderly man was also involved in the brawl, rescued by the 118 doctors with a bleeding face.


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