
the accident

Cagliari, family hit by a scooter: the father is in a coma, a 6-year-old boy is seriously ill

It happened in via Campioni d'Italia. Milder consequences for the mother and eldest son. Local police and 118 are on site
Presentazione del Viaggio del Postale (foto Pala)
Presentazione del Viaggio del Postale (foto Pala)
the event

The “Postal Journey” is renewed between Stintino and Porto Torres

Edition number 29 to commemorate the delivery of the package which was once transported on a Latin sailing boat between the two cities

Desulo mourns Laura Floris, the great fan of Vasco who fought against sclerosis for 40 years

She was 59 years old and had a great passion for Blasco, of which she was the guest of honor at the 2019 concert at the Cagliari Fair
Per assistere mamma e figlia sono intervenuti i medici con l'elisoccorso
Per assistere mamma e figlia sono intervenuti i medici con l'elisoccorso

Sabina is in a hurry to be born: I leave by car on the 125 in Costa Rei

Dad and mum were traveling in a hurry to Cagliari but the little girl was born during the journey: she is fine now, she is at the Santissima Trinità
Simone Mingoia nei fondali con uan rete da pesca
Simone Mingoia nei fondali con uan rete da pesca

Fishing for the Planet: the project to save the Gulf of Cagliari from "ghost nets"

Pollution reports and intervention, initiative of the Blue Life Scuola Apnea Sardinia association. Councilor Giua Marassi: «The marine ecosystem is a strategic resource»
Guardia Costiera (foto L'Unione Sarda)
Guardia Costiera (foto L'Unione Sarda)
Saint Theodore

Boy dead in Cala Girgolu: drowned due to an illness while swimming with friends

The reconstruction of the tragedy, which saw the victim of a 19-year-old young man

Queues, patients on stretchers and blocked ambulances: emergency room in collapse in Cagliari

Black Friday for the emergency emergency system in the capital: dozens of orange codes waiting
Il nuovo esecutivo nazionale dell’Anmil e da destra, Michele Tatti con il presidente nazionale Deandri e i consiglieri nazionali Gino Caruso di Cagliari e Francesco Cosseddu di Sassari
Il nuovo esecutivo nazionale dell’Anmil e da destra, Michele Tatti con il presidente nazionale Deandri e i consiglieri nazionali Gino Caruso di Cagliari e Francesco Cosseddu di Sassari
the nomination

Anmil, a Sardinian in the national executive: he is Michele Tatti

Originally from Fonni, at the age of 19 he was hit by a motor hoe while plowing land and had his leg amputated: "I want to give back a bit of what the association gave me"
L'ingresso del carcere di Uta (archivio L'Unione Sarda)
L'ingresso del carcere di Uta (archivio L'Unione Sarda)
the complaint

Uta prison, deputy director attacked by an inmate and saved by officers

Fabrizio Floris, of the USPP union: «For several months the removal of the violent man, already subjected to a particular regime, had been requested»
violence against women

Oristano: an app on his wife's phone to monitor her movements, arrested

The 64-year-old under house arrest, the accusation of mistreatment in the family: he followed her and bombarded her with calls, at the umpteenth scene she reported
L'elicottero Star Work Sky (foto concessa)
L'elicottero Star Work Sky (foto concessa)
the reclamation

Castelsardo, helicopter in action to remove waste from the cove

Intervention from heaven to clean Pedraladda from a pile of rubbish that had been lying on the coast for years
Dario Giagoni sull'aereo (da Facebook)
Dario Giagoni sull'aereo (da Facebook)
the misadventure

«We suffer from claustrophobia»: the plane to Olbia was blocked. The story of the Northern League member Giagoni

Setback for the Sardinian deputy before taking off from Rome: «Luckily I'm not in a hurry..."
Pazienti in barella al Pronto soccorso
Pazienti in barella al Pronto soccorso

Emergency room nightmare in Cagliari: «Patients on stretchers for up to 10 days»

The complaint from the NurSind union: «With the closure of Brotzu we experienced days of apocalypse at the Polyclinic. But it's just the tip of the iceberg."

Sardinia-Corsica connections, Confartigianato: «Commercial relationships at risk»

The inconveniences continue for tourists and lorry drivers who try to travel between Santa Teresa and Bonifacio every day: the testimonies
L’equipe di lavoro guidata da Raffaele Barbara (foto ufficio stampa)
L’equipe di lavoro guidata da Raffaele Barbara (foto ufficio stampa)

Fight against tumors, the new "radiation treatment" arrives at Businco: «Innovative and revolutionary»

The technology will allow for greater safety and reduced toxicity for patients
L'inaugurazione del master (foto concessa)
L'inaugurazione del master (foto concessa)

University of Sassari: the Master's degree for the welfare of farmed animals is underway

It is the first in the postgraduate academic offering at a national level
06 06 2022 cagliari piazza del carmine polizia locale vigili urbani multe - foto giuseppe ungari
06 06 2022 cagliari piazza del carmine polizia locale vigili urbani multe - foto giuseppe ungari
the stop

Cagliari, the TAR cancels the competition: call for the new municipal commander to be redone

The appeal of Davide Ullasci, former deputy of the local, was accepted. Among the options is the appeal to the Council of State.
Il locale chiuso
Il locale chiuso

Restaurant closed in Sassari, the mayor: «I had asked to investigate, several offenses and the premises were unusable»

Yesterday the closure amid tensions, today Mascia's clarification: "We will bring serenity back to the city." The technician who had given the permission for use is also being investigated
Gli allevatori di Cuglieri, con gli aiuti per un’azienda di Orotelli (foto Onano)
Gli allevatori di Cuglieri, con gli aiuti per un’azienda di Orotelli (foto Onano)

In Orotelli the "paradura" for the farmers affected by the fire

The Sardinian shepherds are mobilising, Mayor Bosu: «Moved by this wave of affection»