
La fotosimulazione del parco eolico tra Maracalagonis e Sinnai (archivio L'Unione Sarda)
La fotosimulazione del parco eolico tra Maracalagonis e Sinnai (archivio L'Unione Sarda)
The battle

Sinnai says “no” to the wind farm: majority and minority united against energy speculation

From the City Council a single resolution, without party acronyms, to stop the "steel monsters"
Il tribunale di Tempio Pausania (Ansa)
Il tribunale di Tempio Pausania (Ansa)
The process

Torture in the Navy School in La Maddalena, the prosecutor: «Invented story»

The girl accused some soldiers of having subjected her to brutal treatment by cutting off a steel ring that was squeezing her thumb
Il recupero del corpo tra le acque di Arbus (foto Vigili del fuoco/frame da video)
Il recupero del corpo tra le acque di Arbus (foto Vigili del fuoco/frame da video)
the tragedy

Waves on the cliff drag her into the sea: a woman dies in the waters of Arbus

The tragedy in Portu Maga. The victim is a 62-year-old Irish tourist. A helicopter and firefighters divers were deployed to recover her
Franco Cocco (a sinistra) e Gianluca Loi (foto Secci)
Franco Cocco (a sinistra) e Gianluca Loi (foto Secci)

Tortolì, exchange of the flag of San Salvatore: the emotion of the new president

Gianluca Loi received the flag from the outgoing Franco Cocco
Don Evangelista Tolu (foto concessa)
Don Evangelista Tolu (foto concessa)
Big party

Don Evangelista Tolu is the new parish priest of Talana and Urzulei

The priest originally from Orune was welcomed by a crowd of faithful in the parishes of San Giovanni Battista and Santa Marta
(foto Ansa)
(foto Ansa)
the searches

Camorra phones in Tempio prison: three inmates reported

The cell phones, which had been under surveillance for some time, were hidden under the floor tiles
Il Tribunale di Tempio (foto Ansa)
Il Tribunale di Tempio (foto Ansa)

Olbia, extortion and threats to a boy: a 23-year-old sentenced

He forced a 12-year-old to steal valuables from his parents' house, under penalty of retaliation against the family. He will have to serve 4 years and 6 months in prison
the rescue

Ussana, caught in a net in the middle of a fire: the fox "Puma" is safe

The Forestry Corps operators saw her, terrified, while they were putting out the flames
Il luogo dell'omicidio (foto Chergia): nei riquadri, dall'alto, Andrea Giuntoli e Francesco Salis
Il luogo dell'omicidio (foto Chergia): nei riquadri, dall'alto, Andrea Giuntoli e Francesco Salis
Saint Justus

The murder of Francesco Salis, there was a third man at the time of the crime

An element that emerged in the light of a witness's account. Andrea Giuntoli's defense discussed the appeal to the Review Court
Passeggeri a Elmas (archivio L'Unione Sarda)
Passeggeri a Elmas (archivio L'Unione Sarda)

Continuity, Aeroitalia: «Discounted fares also for Sardinian emigrants»

For native Sardinians the same rates as residents. And the Region has given the green light to the sale of tickets on the airline's website
Alcuni momenti del sopralluogo (foto Floris)
Alcuni momenti del sopralluogo (foto Floris)
the visit

Sassari, the mayor in Latte Dolce and Santa Maria di Pisa: «A pact for the suburbs»

From infiltrations to humidity to structural problems, there are many inconveniences highlighted by residents
L'inaugurazione del mercato Coldiretti (foto Pala)
L'inaugurazione del mercato Coldiretti (foto Pala)
Ribbon cutting

The "Campagna Amica" market inaugurated in Porto Torres

About fifteen stands of fruit, vegetables, bread, meat, fish and cheeses from local producers of Nurra will be present every Tuesday in Piazza Amsicora
Località turistica del Coros (foto concessa)
Località turistica del Coros (foto concessa)
The initiative

Gal Anglona Coros: All set for the local tourism exchange

The appointment is from 16th to 19th September
the fire

Fire between Jerzu and Cardedu in the process of being reclaimed, twenty kilometers of forest burned

The flames broke out yesterday at 9.30pm: the late hour did not allow aircraft to take off, the rugged terrain hindered the teams on the ground
Riccardo Licheri (foto L'Unione Sarda)
Riccardo Licheri (foto L'Unione Sarda)
the tragedy

Ghilarza, Riccardo Licheri didn't make it: the 16-year-old who fell from his motorbike is dead

The young man, son of the mayor Stefano, had been fighting between life and death for six days. Yes to organ donation
Il canoista tra le onde (foto Guardia Costiera)
Il canoista tra le onde (foto Guardia Costiera)
the alarm

Canoeing in rough seas, lost in the waves: rescued by the Coast Guard in Genn'e Mari

Found half a mile from the coast. He had left from Margine Rosso, heading for Torre delle Stelle, together with a group of sportsmen
Le auto coinvolte nell’incidente (foto Murru)
Le auto coinvolte nell’incidente (foto Murru)
on state road 126

Crash a few kilometers from Calasetta, one seriously injured: he risks amputation of the leg

Two cars involved. The worst off was an employee from Sant'Antioco, transported by helicopter to the Brotzu hospital in Cagliari
Serdiana, incidente in una cava (foto Zizi)
Serdiana, incidente in una cava (foto Zizi)
Tragedy narrowly avoided

Serdiana, quarry accident: worker injured in shoulder

The man was hit by the tailgate of a generator
the raid

Alghero, the statue of the Lightning vandalized (even before the inauguration)

Someone tried to pry a finger off a painting of a dead soldier
the investigations

Giuseppe Mannoni Murder: Plot Twist, Autopsy Suspended. "New Investigators Soon"

Other people involved in the investigation into the death of the young man from Thiene, who hit his head after being pushed at the height of an argument
La firma del patto (foto Ras)
La firma del patto (foto Ras)

Safety at work, Region and unions sign the “Buggerru Pact”

The signature this morning on the 120th anniversary of the massacre of workers that led to the first general strike in Italy