Counterorder: the canteen of the Oncological Hospital of Cagliari will not reopen tomorrow, as planned. There are still mice and the space intended for cooking and administering food in the hospital for cancer patients remains closed (at least) until 28 December.

A postponement that gives an idea of the emergency that is being experienced at Businco. Reports of the presence of rats have multiplied in recent weeks. The first had arrived, with a video, right from the canteen: in early December the mouse had peeked out of the kitchen extractor hood. The closure for deratization had taken place.

After a few days the problem seemed to be solved. Instead on the 10th here is the appearance between the bar and the chapel : both spaces have been banned for a new disinfestation intervention. Meanwhile, the problem has again manifested itself in the canteen.

And on Monday a large rat was photographed quietly moving about in a radiology office chair. Their presence is still documented by a video, recorded by two employees: «Other than a mask, everything has to be cleaned here», says one. And the other: "No, here you have to take the lighter and put it on fire." But it's not over. Because this morning another big rat (not field mice) was photographed behind a bin in a corridor.

In the evening, new communication: the Oncology canteen will be closed for at least another week. The leaders of the hospital hope that the measure will not have to be extended. Neither in time nor in space.

Henry Fresu

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