
Una donna con la mascherina in metropolitana (Ansa)
Una donna con la mascherina in metropolitana (Ansa)

Un altro mese di mascherine al chiuso, presto la decisione

Forse anche al lavoro, approccio di massima cautela del governo visto che i casi non accennano a diminuire

People stroll without face masks after the end of the outdoor mask obligation, in Turin, Italy, 11 February 2022. Italy takes a big step towards normality on 11 February following an improvement in COVID-19 contagion figures, with the end of the obligation to wear facemasks outdoors and the reopening of the nation's night clubs. People are still obliged to wear facemasks in enclosed public spaces and in outdoor areas where crowds of people can form. ANSA/ TINO ROMANO
People stroll without face masks after the end of the outdoor mask obligation, in Turin, Italy, 11 February 2022. Italy takes a big step towards normality on 11 February following an improvement in COVID-19 contagion figures, with the end of the obligation to wear facemasks outdoors and the reopening of the nation's night clubs. People are still obliged to wear facemasks in enclosed public spaces and in outdoor areas where crowds of people can form. ANSA/ TINO ROMANO

Mascherine, Sileri: “Verso proroga in treni, aerei, ospedali e Rsa. Ma in estate non le useremo”

Atteso in settimana il decreto, le anticipazioni del sottosegretario alla Salute


In 4 province sarde incidenza in calo ma sopra quota 600. Alta circolazione del virus: “Tenere le mascherine al chiuso”

Il report Gimbe, Cartabellotta: “Circolazione del virus alta, avventato abolire le mascherine al chiuso”

Entra in vigore l'obbligo di Green pass nei bar, Roma, 6 agosto 2021. ANSA/RICCARDO ANTIMIANI
Entra in vigore l'obbligo di Green pass nei bar, Roma, 6 agosto 2021. ANSA/RICCARDO ANTIMIANI

Green pass, mascherine, vaccini: cosa cambia dal primo maggio

Cadono quasi tutti gli obblighi. Il certificato verde dovrà essere esibito solo in rari casi