That wrong "copy and paste" has been corrected. Now the institutional website of the Municipality of Zerfaliu no longer reads that sensational typo that for several days made several citizens talk but also smile.

In the presentation of the new website of the municipal administration as of this morning we no longer read that "The new portal is only the beginning of the path undertaken by the Municipality of Fumone", which is located in the province of Frosinone, in Lazio. But of Zerfaliu, precisely.

La frase dove era contenuto l'errore (foto Sara Pinna)
La frase dove era contenuto l'errore (foto Sara Pinna)

La frase dove era contenuto l'errore (foto Sara Pinna) 

And who knows if the mistake will help to avoid further slip-ups. In fact, those who deal with the Institution's institutional website are clear that by "copying and pasting" the text they had forgotten to change the name of the Municipality.

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