“Course” tourism in the dock in La Maddalena. «This summer - wrote the opposition municipal councillors, Rosanna Giudice, Annalisa Gulino and Alberto Mureddu, referring to the waters of the La Maddalena Archipelago-Park - we have witnessed all the worst possible forms of tourism that is disrespectful and often overbearing: fishermen among bathers, walks on prohibited beaches, moored maxi yachts that closed off entire coves with their ropes on the ground, overnight stops by non-residents in the coves without this being permitted by the Park rules, discharging the liquids and sewage of every nature".

A situation, this one described by the three councilors, which leads them to ask themselves «why not implement a specific check on the boats present in the Park? The law imposes the obligation of a sewage tank or a waste water treatment system."

«It is necessary - continue Giudice, Gulino and Mureddu - to implement these checks on those who access and transit the waters of the archipelago, with random checks during the summer season. This would be a "Park" action, with also adequate and redundant information, also through the use of information signs in every beach, corner, cove of the archipelago which attracts the attention of everyone inside of a national park, with indication of obligations and limitations and that everyone's contribution is required so that this territory can have a future to share with future generations".

And while waiting for the Ministry of the Environment to appoint the new president and the new board of directors of the National Park, the councilors criticize the actions of the previous one, which expired a couple of months ago, also regarding «the approval of the new regulations, which have seen the number of concessions at sea increase exponentially, from 373 in 2022 to 692, for rental and leasing in 2023, the year in which, given the almost doubling of concessions, even those requests which had been denied were admitted authorization, who in the previous scheme, having not worked the previous year, would not have been eligible for admission".

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