The Coast Guard of Villasimius in collaboration with the Coast Guard Fisheries Control Center of Cagliari has sanctioned a fishing boat for not having complied with the regulations on the declaration of landing of swordfish and for having violated the regulations in force on the regulation of the Marine Protected Area "Capo Bacon and egg". Rules that prohibit all professional fishing vessels over 12 meters from transiting and landing in the marine area without authorization from the managing body of the same.

In particular, during the preventive service established by the commander Massimiliano Camba, eight specimens of swordfish weighing 250 kilos were seized. The fish was then donated to the charity center of the Evaristiane nuns of Villasimius, after the intervention of the ASL which certified its suitability for human consumption.
The Coast Guard of Villasimius will be operational at the detached section as every year for the entire duration of the summer season as a strengthening for the supervision and compliance with the rules that regulate the protected marine area and to guarantee the safety of yachtsmen and bathing activities. A constant presence on the sea for compliance with the rules.

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