Two people involved, one of whom ended up in hospital, and as many cars damaged. This is the outcome of the accident that occurred this afternoon in viale Arbatax in Tortolì , at the intersection with via San Gemiliano.

The 118 personnel and the Tortolì firefighters intervened on site. A woman, resident in the town, was accompanied (in code yellow) for checks to the emergency room of Our Lady of Mercy. The other person involved was unharmed.

The woman suffered minor trauma, but the dynamics aroused great concern among those who intervened first in the rescue effort. The car driven by the woman who ended up in hospital, a Renault Clio, hit the railway after a collision with the other car at the intersection . The route that connects the town of Tortolì and Arbatax is dotted with at-grade intersections near which the majority of collisions between vehicles occur.

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