Mourning in Settimo San Pietro for the sudden death of Fabrizio Ligas, a man of great culture, president of the folk group "Il nuraghe", founder of a museum that for years has been telling the history and the oldest and most traditional customs of the country with the exhibition of all original pieces from the mid-1800s to the early 1900s. An extraordinary museum that also collects several photos of historical clothing.

Fabrizio Ligas was betrayed by a heart attack during the night. He was 59 years old and a great desire to do more and more for the country, the culture, the tradition he has always loved, becoming a character with the folk group in the great parades in honor of Sant'Efisio. "He left us an extraordinary person - wrote the mayor Gigi Puddu - Well known in Settimo and out of Settimo for his tireless activity in the world of folklore, culture, tradition and solidarity, Fabrizio has always done his utmost in many tense initiatives to promote the customs and above all the customs of our community, often collaborating in the initiatives promoted by our Municipality, pursuing, and realizing, the dream of creating the family-run Ligas Uda Museum, to keep alive the weekly traditions transmitted to him by his parents, from which he was able to take up the baton in an extraordinary way ".

To remember Fabrizio Ligas, also the poet and writer in Limba Fernando Pisu, many friends, majority and minority municipal administrators. “Notesta - wrote the Sardinian-language scholar Fernando Pisu - est mortu Fabrizio Ligas, Maistu de Folclori. Who, cun s' cultural inheritance de domu-in primis, de sa bidda, de Campidanu and de sa Sardinia, at fatu you know a su mundu, sa Cultura nosta. Sa Domu sua est unu Museu conotu un totu su mundu. Est a 'Take'. A sienda chi no pagat dinai. At arriciu in domu etotu loves and passions. At cresciu and transmitiu a su grupu, cun sa mulleri and cun sa sorri Simonetta, a cultural heritage who does not know ends. De siguru, oi, dd'ant to render honors totus is biddas: Sinnia, Ceraxus, Quatu, Mara, Casteddu, Pula, Oristanis, Nuoru, Sassari. Trust Tengu. S'esempiu su depit sighiri ".

With his family, Ligas has always been engaged in the search for local customs, authentic monuments of a past that has laid the foundations above all on peasant civilization. Poor and very rich costumes of men, women and children, now preserved in his museum, which is part of the National Small Museums Association, and is the only ethnographic museum in Sardinia that houses a collection of original clothes from a single community. an organic ethnographic collection of exceptional interest for their completeness and chronological coherence, and are representative of the various roles and social statuses covered by Sardinian women between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

All clothes declared of exceptional historical and cultural interest by the Archaeological, Fine Arts and Landscape Superintendence for the metropolitan city of Cagliari and for the provinces of Oristano and South Sardinia.

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