Guaranteed salary plus room and board. «Yet we have only now completed the staff». Not only that: «We only hired staff of a certain age. Young people? Maybe they prefer to go to the seaside."

A bitter observation made by Lazzaro Asuni, owner of the historic "Da Barbara" restaurant in Solanas, along the provincial road to Villasimius.

Like every year, in view of this tourist season, the recruitment campaign began early: the business needed waiters and help in the kitchen. The announcement with the request for personnel was also published on some specialized portals.

But many of those who took the test "said it was too much work and left without warning. Many made appointments, but didn't even show up," says the restaurateur.

Low pay? «I don't think so: we are offering a regular contract that costs us 1600-1700 euros, from June to October. We recognize holidays at the end of the season." (In the afternoon the entrepreneur specifies: the sum indicated includes all the expenses paid by him, the salary is approximately 1300 euros, 3.36 pm ed .).

You don't work two days at lunch. Then we struggle every evening: "Yes, we don't close for dinner." ( And the day off for employees? «Yes, it's insured», the entrepreneur wants to clarify, again in the afternoon).

And he adds: «But on the other hand, work is hard work. I started when I was 13, it's always been like this for me. Once upon a time, many people came to offer their jobs. Now this is no longer the case", concludes Asuni, "but, thank goodness, we have completed the staff this year too". And another season can begin*.

Enrico Fresu

*The article was updated at 3.42pm at the request of the entrepreneur.

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