The season has just begun and troubles begin in the Quartese section of the Poetto .

Following an inspection that allegedly revealed the presence of non-compliant works , the local police officers put the seals on the Il Colibrì kiosk .

The restaurant was closed and the area subjected to the seizure of the judicial police. The bathing area remains open with the beach service and toilets.

A blow just when the beach and the clubs began to crowd with people after the difficult two years of the pandemic.

"I inherited the management of the place last year ", explains the current manager Stefano Versace. " The previous management had made a compliance assessment in 2018 which was still in progress and then the checks have been done now".

The disputes are different: from an iron fence that instead should have been made with poles and ropes to a curtain that is not through air.

"I didn't know anything about this conformity assessment ", adds Versace, "I took the place as it was".

In any case, "I am ready to start immediately the jobs they asked me to do, but I hope and hope that they will give me the opportunity to do them immediately because obviously this closure will cause me enormous damage ".

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