Murder Porcu, the prosecutor Marco De Crescenzo has requested the trial for the brothers Brian and Rubens Carta accused of having robbed and killed the fellow villager Antonio Porcu just under a year ago in Ghilarza.

The judge for the preliminary hearings Marco Mascia thus set the hearing for February 28 to rule on the request of the public prosecution. The two brothers, who are still in prison, are also accused of an attempted robbery dating back to December 6, 2021, when they allegedly threatened Tonino Oppo with a pistol, in his home, to have money handed over; the old man had opposed it and the two had then escaped.

On February 28, the two suspects will have to appear before the investigating judge of the Court. Brian Carta is defended by the lawyers Agostinangelo Marras and Fabio Messina, while Rubens is assisted by the lawyer Marras.

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