«People at the centre, before the economy and finances there must be people».

Cardinal Arrigo Miglio , apostolic administrator of the diocese of Iglesias, the mayors of Portoscuso Ignazio Atzori, Mauro Usai of Iglesias, Debora Porrà of Villamassargia, the deputy mayor of Carbonia Michele Stivaletta, the regional secretaries of the Cisl, Gavino Carta, and of the Uil, Francesca Ticca.

In the Glencore factory the lead line has been stopped for two months while zinc production has halved. The workers are involved in a rolling redundancy scheme.

"Respect for people and their families has a primacy that must always be kept in mind," said Cardinal Miglio.

A concept reiterated by Francesca Ticca, secretary of Uil: "The person and his dignity must be placed at the center of everything, answers are needed - he said - for example for temporary workers who are 60 here, as of today they are no longer in production".

Even Gavino Carta, secretary of the Cisl, underlines the importance of the day. "A symbol of being all together - he says - there is a thread stretched between the Government and the multinational, a thread that must not be broken, one must not oppose each other but act to bring everyone back to work". The mayors who attended the meeting underlined the importance of people. "The choices that are emerging - said Ignazio Atzori, mayor of Portoscuso - risk littering "corpses" of young people and families, we cannot remain silent ".

Debora Porrà, mayor of Villamassargia, asks "put people and territories at the centre, we cannot be used and left to ourselves". Mauro Usai, mayor of Iglesias, said: "Large profits and interest must not pass on to citizens, families and territories."

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