After a few days of calm, yesterday the landings of migrants resumed on the coasts of Sulcis, where in the evening a group of nine people was tracked down by the naval operations section of the Guardia di Finanza.

They were escorted to the commercial port and one to the emergency room for investigation. The others were accompanied to the Monastir migrant center.

Subsequently, other 3 small boats with forty migrants on board were intercepted and made to board the patrol boat G130 of the Guardia di Finanza which proceeded to transport them to the port of Sant'Antioco where the agents were waiting for them in addition to other colleagues from the naval operational section. by Frontex. At around 22, another 17 were escorted to the port by a patrol boat from the Finance Department and given the marine weather conditions, further arrivals today are not excluded.

Lo sbarco

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