Schlein: «The Democratic Party condemns violence, the right should not exploit it»
The Dem secretary: «The words of Ramy's family are important. Support for the mayor of Bologna, Lepore»Per restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
"Full support to the mayor of Bologna and the citizens of Bologna for the devastation and violence of last night that also affected some members of the police force, as well as the Synagogue and various commercial establishments. All the solidarity of the Democratic Party that always condemns every violent act".
The secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, wrote this in a note, inviting the right, critical of her for the silence she maintained after a day of clashes , "not to make politics out of this violence" and defining the words of Ramy's family against any exploitation of their tragedy as "important".
«Lepore», adds Schlein, «is right to ask for unity among the institutions, so that those responsible for these unacceptable acts are identified and to underline that there are no just causes for devastating Bologna, or any other city».
"Important," observes the secretary of the Democratic Party, "are the words of Ramy Elgaml's parents who ask that the just request for full truth and justice for their son not be exploited to commit violent acts. And the right wing that governs should stop making politics out of this violence and instead support the mayors in fighting it, the same mayors they ask to guarantee security just as they cut billions of euros from local authorities."
(Online Union)