
Papa Francesco durante l'udienza generale in Piazza San Pietro, Citta' del Vaticano, 20 marzo 2019. ANSA/ VATICAN MEDIA ++HO - NO SALES EDITORIAL USE ONLY++
Papa Francesco durante l'udienza generale in Piazza San Pietro, Citta' del Vaticano, 20 marzo 2019. ANSA/ VATICAN MEDIA ++HO - NO SALES EDITORIAL USE ONLY++
the decision

Vatican clampdown on apparitions: only the Pope will be able to say "supernatural"

From this moment on, the Pontiff and only him will be entitled to the declaration "in a completely exceptional way"
L'ospedale dove si trova ricoverato il premier Fico (foto Ansa/Epa)
L'ospedale dove si trova ricoverato il premier Fico (foto Ansa/Epa)
The attack

Slovakia, Prime Minister Fico comes out of a coma and manages to speak: "Serious but he will make it"

On Monday the medical council will evaluate whether to transport the prime minister to Bratislava
Rouen (foto da X)
Rouen (foto da X)

France, tries to set fire to a synagogue then attacks the agents: killed

The man threw a Molotov cocktail inside, causing serious damage to the structure
Chico Forti (Archivio L'Unione Sarda)
Chico Forti (Archivio L'Unione Sarda)

Chico Forti leaves prison, will return to Italy in a few weeks: «For me the rebirth begins»

The 65-year-old from Trentino is no longer detained in Miami, the last step before returning
Robert Fico (Ansa-Epa)
Robert Fico (Ansa-Epa)
the interrogation

Slovakia, the retired attacker: "I shot the prime minister because we have different political ideas"

The man who opened fire on Robert Fico is Juraj Cintula, 71, a poet and left-wing militant. The leader, having undergone surgery, is in a medically induced coma
Putin e Xi Jinping (Ansa-Epa)
Putin e Xi Jinping (Ansa-Epa)

Putin in China, meeting with Xi: «The link between Moscow and Beijing promotes peace and stability in the world»

The Russian leader in Beijing to meet the president of the People's Republic: «Good neighbors and good friends»
Le prime immagini subito dopo l'attentato (foto da X)
Le prime immagini subito dopo l'attentato (foto da X)

Attack on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico: «He is in a medically induced coma»

The prime minister was hit by at least 3-4 gunshots and the attacker was arrested
Ilaria Salis (foto Ansa)
Ilaria Salis (foto Ansa)
The case

Ilaria Salis, appeal accepted: yes to house arrest in Budapest

The measure, which provides for the electronic bracelet, will become enforceable as soon as the bail required by the court is paid
Vladimir Putin (Ansa-Epa)
Vladimir Putin (Ansa-Epa)
war in Ukraine

The Russians advance on Kharkiv: thousands of people evacuated. Putin rejoices

The leader of Moscow: «We are achieving all the objectives»
Maradona con il pallone d'oro (foto da google)
Maradona con il pallone d'oro (foto da google)
The case

Maradona, the disputed Golden Ball up for auction: the heirs claim ownership

The mystery of the trophy disappeared for decades from a safe deposit box at the Banco di Napoli and was then found under mysterious circumstances
Il presidente ucraino Voldymyr Zelensky (Ansa-Epa)
Il presidente ucraino Voldymyr Zelensky (Ansa-Epa)
the conflict

Ukraine counterattacks: kamikaze missiles and drones against Russia

Sevastopol, Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk are in Kiev's sights

He keeps his neighbor prisoner for 30 years in a sheepfold: arrested

In the city of Djelfa, a disappearance case dating back to 1996 was solved. The family believed that the hostage had been a victim of Islamist groups. Then the discovery
Taiwan, il presidente eletto William Lai (Ansa-Epa)
Taiwan, il presidente eletto William Lai (Ansa-Epa)
high voltage

Alarm in Taiwan, 45 jets and 6 Chinese military ships around the island

“Pressing” from Beijing a few days after the inauguration of President William Lai in Taipei
epa11339745 Georgian riot police crackdown on protesters during a rally against a draft bill on 'foreign agents’ near the Parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia, 14 May 2024. The draft bill on 'foreign agents' was adopted in Georgia in the final third reading. A total of 84 deputies voted for, and 30 against. The law will be sent to the Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili for signing, who has vowed to veto it. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI
epa11339745 Georgian riot police crackdown on protesters during a rally against a draft bill on 'foreign agents’ near the Parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia, 14 May 2024. The draft bill on 'foreign agents' was adopted in Georgia in the final third reading. A total of 84 deputies voted for, and 30 against. The law will be sent to the Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili for signing, who has vowed to veto it. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI

Georgia passes the "Russian law": revolt explodes in the streets, clashes also in Parliament

The EU: «A serious obstacle in the country's path to membership». Moscow denies interference
the shooting

France, attack on prison police van: two officers killed, prisoner on the run

Criminals intervened with a battering ram car and shotguns. Three other policemen seriously injured
the blitz

Illegal immigration from Algeria: 10 people arrested

Police and coast guard operation in Tipaza province. 4 "organizers" were also identified and a boat ready to sail was seized
Palestinesi in fuga da Rafah (Ansa)
Palestinesi in fuga da Rafah (Ansa)
middle East

Israel masses troops at the Rafah border: "A massive attack coming soon"

This was revealed by CNN, specifying that it is not certain that Tel Aviv has made a definitive decision for what would be a move in open defiance of the US
Joe Biden e Donald Trump (Ansa)
Joe Biden e Donald Trump (Ansa)

New York Times: «Trump ahead of Biden in five out of six key states»

The US president is losing votes among young people and non-white voters. He must catch up in at least two of these states to be re-elected
Il premier Pedro Sanchez con il vincitore delle elezioni, il leader dei socialisti catalani Salvador Illa (Ansa)
Il premier Pedro Sanchez con il vincitore delle elezioni, il leader dei socialisti catalani Salvador Illa (Ansa)
the elections

Catalonia: the socialists win, defeat for the independentists

The pro-independence bloc loses its majority for the first time in 13 years, but Puigdemont is running to lead a minority government
Putin e Shoigu (Ansa)
Putin e Shoigu (Ansa)

Putin dismisses Shoigu from the Defense Ministry

The president "requests" Lavrov's reconfirmation at Foreign Affairs