
Carlo III (foto Ansa)
Carlo III (foto Ansa)
Great Britain

Charles III and illness, reassurances from London: «He is better and will not abdicate»

The sovereign's official biographer: «William does not want the throne like this, and the king can continue to work despite the tumor»
Uno dei villaggi seppelliti dalla frana (Ansa)
Uno dei villaggi seppelliti dalla frana (Ansa)
the tragedy

A mountain ridge landslide: two thousand people buried in Papua New Guinea

The toll of the collapse, which has engulfed six villages and hundreds of houses, is worsening
Fumo dopo un raid a Rafah (Ansa-Epa)
Fumo dopo un raid a Rafah (Ansa-Epa)
middle east

Israel, raid on Rafah to hit Hamas. "Two terrorist leaders killed." Hamas: «Civilians hit, let's rise up»

Raid in Tel Aviv in the south of the Strip, from where rockets were fired towards the Jewish state
Si scava tra le macerie (foto Mohamud Omer / International Organization for Migration / AFP, via Ansa)
Si scava tra le macerie (foto Mohamud Omer / International Organization for Migration / AFP, via Ansa)
the slaughter

A landslide in Papua New Guinea razes six villages

The toll, which is not definitive, speaks of over 670 deaths, with hundreds of houses buried
L'edificio distrutto dal rogo (foto Ansa/Epa)
L'edificio distrutto dal rogo (foto Ansa/Epa)

Tragic fire in a maternity ward: seven newborns die

Twelve children were taken away from the fire, but more than half of them did not make it
Il Segretario Generale della Nato Jens Stoltenberg (foto Ansa)
Il Segretario Generale della Nato Jens Stoltenberg (foto Ansa)
The conflict

Stoltenberg, new strong-arm intervention: «Beijing fuels the war in Europe»

New statements from the NATO secretary who has already called on allies who supply weapons to Ukraine to end the ban on using them to strike military targets in Russia
Volodymyr Zelensky a Kharkiv (Ansa)
Volodymyr Zelensky a Kharkiv (Ansa)

Russian raid on a megastore in Kharkiv. Zelensky to world leaders: «We need help»

The hypermarket was very crowded, there were several people missing
L'abitazione della famiglia (Ansa)
L'abitazione della famiglia (Ansa)
Rio de Janeiro

They don't let him miss a day of school: he massacres his parents with hammers

The 16-year-old went out with a friend after the murders. Upon returning he started a fire in the family home
Rafah (Ansa - Epa)
Rafah (Ansa - Epa)
gaza strip

Israel continues raids on Rafah even after the stop ordered by The Hague

Bombings on the southern city and Deir al-Balah
Una nave della Guardia costiera di Taiwan (Ansa-Epa)
Una nave della Guardia costiera di Taiwan (Ansa-Epa)
High voltage

Taiwan "surrounded" by Chinese ships and jets: "punitive" exercise ended

Beijing's major maneuvers concluded, but Taipei protests: "Provocation of world order"
Benjamin Netanyahu (Ansa-Epa)
Benjamin Netanyahu (Ansa-Epa)
middle east

The Hague Court orders Israel to stop the offensive in Rafah

The intervention of the international court following South Africa's request. Netanyahu urgently summons ministers
Ilaria Salis (Ansa)
Ilaria Salis (Ansa)

Ilaria Salis in court, this time without chains. The judge reveals the address of the house arrest: protests

The 39-year-old Italian in the courtroom for the third hearing of the trial in which she is accused of attacking neo-Nazi militants
Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin
Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin
the conflict

Russian sources: Putin ready to stop the war with Ukraine

Reuters reports anonymous indiscretions coming from circles close to the Kremlin
L'incendio che ha devastato la Crocus City dopo la strage
L'incendio che ha devastato la Crocus City dopo la strage
the attack

Moscow admits ISIS responsibility for the Crocus City Hall attack

For the first time, although Ukrainian involvement is not ruled out. The head of the FSB: «Action prepared by the Khorasan group»
I soccorsi sul luogo della tragedia
I soccorsi sul luogo della tragedia
the tragedy

The terrace of the club collapses: at least 4 dead and 27 injured in Palma de Mallorca

The structure collapsed under the weight of numerous customers
L'area in cui si è verificato il crollo (Ansa - Epa)
L'area in cui si è verificato il crollo (Ansa - Epa)
at the baseball field

Tragedy at the rally in Mexico: the stage collapses, dead and injured

The accident in San Pedro Garza Garcia, in the state of Nuevo León
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi speaks to the press during his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, (not seen), at Netanyahu's office in Jerusalem, on 01 February 2010. ANSA/DAN BALILTY / POOL
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi speaks to the press during his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, (not seen), at Netanyahu's office in Jerusalem, on 01 February 2010. ANSA/DAN BALILTY / POOL
in jail

Berlusconi's false will: entrepreneur Marco Di Nunzio arrested in Colombia

He claimed that the former Cav would have given him 26 million, a yacht, villas in Antigua and 2% of Fininvest. Also accused of attempted extortion from his children
Ilaria Salis (foto Ansa)
Ilaria Salis (foto Ansa)
The activist

Ilaria Salis leaves prison after 15 months: she is under house arrest in Budapest

The father's joy: «First step towards returning to Italy»
Un missile (immagine simbolo, foto Ansa)
Un missile (immagine simbolo, foto Ansa)
High voltage

France responds to Russia: test of a nuclear-capable missile

The Minister of Defense: «The objective is to demonstrate our airborne nuclear deterrence»
Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak leaves 10 Downing Street in central London on May 22, 2024 to take part in the weekly session of Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) in the House of Commons. (Photo by HENRY NICHOLLS / AFP)
Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak leaves 10 Downing Street in central London on May 22, 2024 to take part in the weekly session of Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) in the House of Commons. (Photo by HENRY NICHOLLS / AFP)
the elections

The United Kingdom goes to early voting, Sunak decides the date: 4 July

English people go to the polls this summer, six months before the natural end of the legislature