Rain and snow in Sardinia, a real boon for collecting water in the basins. After a long autumn, which invaded several weeks of winter, temperatures dropped from a maximum of 18-20 degrees to 8-10 and bad weather, Air Force meteorologists at Decimomannu airport confirm, will continue for days.

The weather alerts follow one another, today at 3 pm the one with the yellow code for hydraulic and hydrogeological risk on Iglesiente, Campidano, Montevecchio Pischinappiu, Tirso and Logudoro expires , and hydrogeological risk for Flumendosa Flumineddu and Gallura.

The weather office of Decimo expects fluctuating weather in the coming weeks in terms of rainfall, but the cold will be a constant.

Yesterday was another difficult day in Sardinia, with haywire traffic on various roads, especially in Barbagia .


All the details on L'Unione Sarda in the article by Luigi Almiento

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