Writings that appear as an insult against those who fight and work daily to spread a message of health protection. The posters of the breast cancer prevention campaign, posted in Sassari, were smeared with obscene drawings and writings, shamelessly torn images, vandalism that offend the sense of the initiative carried out by the "Women + Women" association. From via Oriani to via De Nicola, unknown persons did not spare even a poster.

"We feel offended and humiliated by such a vile action - says Daniela Cermelli, president of 'Donne + Donne', the association promoting the campaign - those posters torn and miserably smeared by strangers are part of the 'Diciottoventicinque' project that has seen our young members are the protagonists ". The objective of the social initiative is to urge the institutions to plan a preventive ultrasound screening aimed at young women, starting from 18-20 years. Instead, that message does not seem to have been appreciated, indeed without any scruple it was trampled, even if shown to the public with respect.

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