Three very intense days, in Nughedu San Nicolò , for the feast of Sant'Antonio Abate . A great success for all the appointments included in the celebration program promoted by the committee led by the president Ilaria Cherchi . From folklore to music: the organizers didn't want the citizens, but also those who came from outside, to lack for anything.

Now is the time for thanks: «Unfortunately we have come to the end of these three intense but very rewarding days of celebration - reads a note -. President Ilaria Cherchi wanted to thank those who made the success of this Sant'Antonio 2023 possible, starting with the municipal administration and the mayor Michele Carboni who, not only on this occasion, but throughout the year supported as regards the bureaucratic part. A special thanks to Emiliano who will probably change direction from tomorrow every time he meets us. Thanks to Fr Robert Ciekanowski and to the bishop for the celebrations held in honor of the Saint".

«They were particularly important for the success of the party - the committee continues - also Angelo Zappu and the Pro loco of Nughedu, Simone Scottu and Nughedu Calcio for their availability and their generosity. Thanks also to Marshal Antonio Testoni and the Carabinieri of Nughedu for their service. Thanks to the Barracellis led by Mario Murgia, the Tedde family for having supplied us with water as they do every year, Maria Rita and Pinuccia Mundula for helping us clean the Church of Sant'Antonio Abate. A warm thanks to the knights Riccardo Cau, Danilo Amadu, Roberto Meloni and Sergio Corveddu for the hand given in the organization and above all in the management of the Sunday lunch, to our trusted chefs Dany Cherchi, Roberto Arghittu, Lucio Succu, Nico Fenu and Marino Fois , essential for the preparation of lunches and dinners, as well as the shepherds who have kindly offered us their sheep again this year. The contribution provided to us by Marco Fadda who has been of great help to us on numerous occasions is also fundamental. Thanks to the "Coro a cuncordu de Santu Nigola and to Filippo Chelo, our excellent player who accompanied us in the folk evening held on Sunday".

«Finally, last, - conclude the committee -. but not least, thanks to all of us, the Committee, which again this year managed to overcome the many difficulties, misunderstandings and discussions. The president thanks all the people who have been close to her this year. Heartfelt thanks to all those who participated in our evenings ».

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