There are over 80 appointments on the calendar that have begun to animate Nuoro from 6 December and will continue until mid-January, including shows and games for children, theatre, concerts and musical reviews, exhibitions and markets.

An event, Tempus de Nadale, with the climax at the end of the year, with a series of concerts that will see the Nomads, the Pfm band, the rapper Shade and the Istentales band take the stage of the Giardinetti in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele. I Nomadi will play on Wednesday 28, while on Thursday 29 there will be a review of choirs and tenors, with the participation of the Tenores of Santu Caralu, Tenores Garteddesu, Tenore of Orune, Amici del Folklore Choir, Ittireddu Choir, Villassunta di Baratz Choir, San Niccolò Arcidano, Choir of Dorgali.

Friday 30 December concert by the rapper Shade while on New Year's Eve the concert of the Istentales will take place on the stage of the gardens in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele and subsequently the evening will continue with the DJs of Radio 105 with the show "I Love Formentera". A rich calendar presented today by the municipal administration of Nuoro and also financed by the Chamber of Commerce, and which in addition to the concerts will see many other initiatives

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