Over 100 million euros of investments, 33 projects and 18 implementing bodies. These are the main numbers of the new integrated urban plan of the Metropolitan City of Cagliari. All 17 municipalities of the vast area around the capital are involved, and the masterplan is signed by the internationally renowned landscape architect João Nunes.

"We have carried out a work shared and participated by all those involved - explained the metropolitan mayor Paolo Truzzu - it is a modern integrated urban plan, supportive and sustainable for the benefit of the whole community. For example, projects are planned for Cagliari that include the refurbishment of the Terramaini and La Palma canals, the creation of green paths between the San Benedetto Civic Market and the Terramaini Park and the redevelopment of the San Benedetto market itself, which collects the related activities of the many agricultural and commercial realities of the area In the same way, strategic enhancement and modernization interventions have been identified for each municipality to favor economic, social, cultural and sporting development, also through green solutions and connections between territories ".

The goal is to develop a sustainable link between the different centers of the metropolitan city.

The plan aims in particular to create a network of green infrastructures and connections between wetlands, but also a network of cultural and sports services through the innovation of existing buildings and spaces.

Numerous schools, sports and civic markets will be the subject of an energy optimization project, aimed at saving and technological innovation.

The interventions will involve 15% of the metropolitan area, and also the residents. The economic resources, equal to a total of 101 million, will be destined for 60% to social, production and sports infrastructures, which will include 19 projects to which over 60 million euros will go. 24% will go to environmental infrastructures and water resources, equal to over 24 and a half million euros, to be divided among 7 projects. The remaining 16%, equivalent to almost 16 million euros, will finance 7 interventions concerning transport.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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