Stadium cheering for the final of the Snail Race, reserved for children and adults who have never grown up, promoted by the Pro Loco, the Municipality and the Tidu bumper car on the occasion of the thirty-first edition of the Snail Festival which is being celebrated in these days in Gesico in conjunction with the centuries-old Feast of Sant'Amatore.

The race characterized by the slow but continuous pace of "is sitzigorrus" was a real celebration that attracted many fans to the small town of Trexenta. First to cross the finish line was “Ignazina” spurred on by her owner Francesca Bonu, in second place was “Gil Vutton” by Christian Corda and in third place was “Mario” by Leonardo Ulasci. «Slowness and stubbornness are the main characteristics of the people of Geschesi, hence the crazy idea of the snail race that we have been proposing for 26 years now», says Pro loco president Carlo Carta. The one staged in the municipal gym of Gesico is the slowest race in the world. «But perhaps it is also the funniest», concludes Carta.

The festival continues: today, Saturday 14 October, the whole day will be dedicated to fairs (agriculture, books), exhibitions, tasting of snail specialties, live music, street food and craft beers. The Feast of Sant'Amatore, this year in its 402nd edition, continues tomorrow Sunday 15 October with "sa missa sarda" celebrated by Monsignor Gianfranco Zuncheddu in the sanctuary dedicated to Sant'Amatore. A rite is repeated which was intended to bring the people closer to the Church and in fact allowed many to understand the true meaning of the evangelical message.

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