Yet another road tragedy, in the night, in Sardinia.

Around 4 a.m. a man driving a car lost control on State Road 197 in Sanluri, invading the opposite road. He crashed into the guard rail of the other lane and died instantly.

From initial information, he may have fallen asleep while he was behind the wheel of his Opel Corsa, in which he was traveling alone. The victim is a worker born in 1984, Loris Bandino, unmarried, resident in San Gavino Monreale.

The judicial authority has already ordered the removal of the body and the return of the body to the family.

The 118 of San Gavino, the Carabinieri of Sanluri with colleagues from Samassi and Guasila intervened on site.

Overall, in one week, 9 people died - four of them very young - in road accidents on the island: among these, two people were hit on a pedestrian crossing.


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