"I have no intention of running away." Ilaria Salis, the 39-year-old of Sardinian origin who has been detained for about a year, reiterated this yesterday during a conversation with Paolo Ciani, secretary of Demos, in the maximum security prison in Budapest.

«I hope to obtain house arrest here in Budapest too so that it can be a stage that allows me to be transferred to Italy» is the meaning of the statements reported by the Messaggero and the Stampa. «I don't think it's right to call into question the danger of escape - assures Salis -, because I am a person with a family, a partner, a job. I have no intention of running away." «They told me – he confided to Ciani – that a mural appeared nearby that had a very negative impact on me. I hope we can have a fair trial here."

Salis shares a cell with seven other inmates and was able to meet Paolo Ciani for an hour in the interview room. She showed up without chains but with escort. «I explained to her that I went to see her as a parliamentarian representing the nation - says Ciani - She said to me: "Please, Honourable, continue to take care of me". I felt it as an appeal to Italy."

«Ilaria witnessed great suffering after a year in cell - reports Ciani -. Especially in relation to the first months in isolation." There have been improvements in recent months. But few: «For example - explains the parliamentarian - he told me that they fixed a window. Only small things, but he noticed an improvement." Ilaria looks ahead: «She wanted to talk about today and tomorrow, but the past year also came up in the conversation. He told me that his desire is to have house arrest in Italy, but he understood that the path could be house arrest here in Budapest, so he hopes to be able to access this measure as soon as possible. The issue is where. For this reason, the parents already had appointments to look for an apartment to rent in Budapest." And then the fear of what will happen in court: «Another concern of Ilaria Salis is having a fair trial, because we are talking about sentences that can range from 2 to 24 years».


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