A 24 year sentence. This is the request from prosecutor Sara Ghiani for Giorgio Meneghel, the 54-year-old farmer from Zeddiani who at dawn on February 5th one year ago killed his wife Daniela Cadeddu, a 51-year-old originally from Cabras, with a hammer .

Before the Court of Assizes, presided over by judge Giovanni Massidda (alongside Stefania Selis), the prosecutor asked for the recognition of generic mitigating circumstances in an equivalent amount compared to the aggravating circumstance contested for the marital bond. The public prosecutor also highlighted the period of suffering that the farmer was experiencing, his behavior in the proceedings and his immediately collaborative attitude.

The civil party, represented by the lawyer Vito Zotti (who protects the mother, a brother and a sister of the victim), requested compensation of 168 thousand euros for the mother, 70 thousand for each brother and a provisional amount of 100 thousand euros for the mother, of 40 thousand for the brothers.

Meneghel's defense, with the lawyer Francesca Accardi, insisted on the recognition (at least partial) of a mental defect also in light of the consultant's reports. Furthermore, it requested the recognition of the generic mitigating circumstances in a prevailing manner (subordinately equivalent) compared to the aggravating circumstance and left the definition of the punishment to the Court.

The tragedy occurred on February 5, 2022. The woman was sleeping in her bed, in the house in via Roma, when Meneghel hit her three times in the head with a hammer . Then he called the police and said he had killed his wife. Meneghel has always admitted his responsibilities, aware of the atrocity committed which for him was "the only way out". So far no clear motive has emerged, Meneghel has always spoken of a difficult moment between economic and health problems (his and his wife's) with the fear of no longer being able to move forward.

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