Nadia Santoni Madeddu is a teacher who teaches at the San Donato primary school in Sassari.

For years he has collected conversations with his pupils on the most disparate topics.

A sort of diary was born, here are some speeches divided by topic.

(previous episode HERE )



"Who covered the Trojan War?"

"The Trojan War is told by the subsidiary".
Try to blame him…



He got it on the blackboard:

I will play = voice of the verb to play, first conjugation, 1st person singular, difficult future tense.

"Like 'difficult future'?"

«Eh, because in the meantime my mother doesn't send me down to play».

He obtained a splendid intuition, I would establish the "difficult future" by law, given the times…



“What is thought to have caused the end of the Mycenaean civilization?”

«We don't know and it's strange because before everyone was there and then, suddenly, there was no longer any Mycenaean».

Unrivaled logic.

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