The great insult to the Sardinian Civilization: 33 shovels besiege Barumini
The project that risks devastating the first “Nuraghe” of the Island forever awaits the verdict of Palazzo ChigiPer restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
Defacing Barumini, the great Royal Palace, is like "stabbing" a great Civilization, the Nuragic one, in the heart. Oliviero Toscani, the father of the "photo-shock" par excellence, would have had no doubts: to make people understand what is happening, simulate an "Aeolian dagger" stuck on the proscenium of the great nuraghe. In Sardinia, however, in these gentle hills of Marmilla, all wheat and nuraghe, no alteration of reality is needed. Every shocking image would be overwhelmed by reality. Just browse the thousands of pages of the bloodiest assault on the history of the Sardinians, filed with the "Ministry of Attila", that of the phantom Energy Security, to realize what is about to happen in front of that monument of immeasurable magnificence erected 3,500 years ago by the ancestors of the Sardinian People.
Civilization under attack
The project's claim is devastating, not only for Barumini and its surroundings, but for the entire Nuragic civilization: "Construction and operation of a wind energy production plant called "Luminu" consisting of 17 wind generators, each with a nominal power of 6.6 megawatts, for a total power of 112.2 megawatts, to be built in the municipalities of Barumini, Escolca, Gergei, Las Plassas, Villanovafranca". In the blink of an eye that Nuragic "landscape" transformed into a sort of "wind petrochemicals", a horizon of wheat and history transfigured into an industrial landscape, capable of forever distorting that thousand-year-old habitat, where history is not told, it is breathed.
It's not photo-shock
There is no photo-shock that can hold up in front of the realistic "restitution" of those gigantic blades that a "serial" company, filed with a number, "Grv Wind Sardegna 6 Srl", has decided to stick into the land of Barumini. The insult would be without names, even the strongest would be inadequate. The "new lords of the wind", coming from Padania, landed in the land of his "professors of is perdas beccias", the professor of ancient stones, the father of the Nuragic civilization, the Sardus Pater Giovanni Lilliu, are not used to knocking when they cross the threshold of history. They dared where no one until today could have even imagined. They didn't care about promontories and landscapes, hills and Nuragic sites. Caution is not in the nature of those who kick down your front door, ignoring the entrance to the primordial Pantheon of Sardinian civilization, a monument recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The recognition is engraved in the most prestigious citations: "Nuraghe di Barumini, Outstanding Universal Value".
Universal Rank
The criteria behind the world-class decision should have been a deterrent to anyone: "The archaeological site of Su Nuraxi di Barumini is the preeminent and most complete example of the remarkable prehistoric architecture known as nuraghi. Su Nuraxi di Barumini is an exceptional testimony to the Sardinian Bronze Age civilization and the evolution of the political and social conditions of this prehistoric island community over many centuries. The property of Su Nuraxi di Barumini is the exceptional example of nuraghe, unique megalithic defensive structures and associated settlements that illustrate the imaginative and innovative use of materials and techniques that took place in the prehistoric insular society of Sardinia in the Middle to Late Bronze Age". No way. The wind assault on this ancient land, full of history and prestige, did not stop even in the face of such immensity. Here, on the threshold of the most famous monument of ancient Sardinian civilization, one of the darkest and most disturbing pages of wind energy gambling on the Island of Nuraghi is being written.
Thirty-three blades
To the seventeen cyclopean blades of "Luminu" in front of the Royal Palace of Barumini, another nine "offshore windsweepers" must be added, for another 59.4 megawatts of the project called "Planu Serrantis", wedged between the Municipalities of Selegas, Gesico and Mandas" whose observations from the public expired last August 2, an eloquent signal that in Rome, on the authorization level, nothing has stopped. To the first two wind farms must also be added the wind farm called "Su Murdegu": another 7 wind generators for a power of 42 MW, to be "planted" in the territory of the Municipality of Villanovafranca. In total, thirty-three steel skyscrapers, all over 200 meters high, to be placed in an area that crosses the teeming territories of Barumini, Escolca, Gergei, Las Plassas and Villanovafranca. A real "ambush" for the entire Marmilla, capable of overturning in one fell swoop a flat and sinuous landscape destined to lose forever that unique and exclusive horizon line. The projects presented to the Ministry of "wind speculation" all have a common denominator: the company Grv Wind Sardegna. Company note: yet another business container, to be consumed between Nuraghi and unique naturalistic oases in the world such as the Giara plateau, is destined to inflict a massive and unprecedented insult. Private jets & business As often happens, however, behind these Chinese boxes there are chilling stories, with financial transactions yet to be told, between flights on private jets to Tunisia with "heavy loads", which ended up in the most burning investigations, up to the registration of seven companies, all "four cents", just ten thousand euros each. All strictly registered in Lombardy, each with the premise "Grv Wind Sardegna", or business in northern Italy, but wind to be "sliced" in the Land of the Nuraghi.
Surreal & Real
In this surreal story, everything becomes dramatically real when you read the protocol of the most powerful "Palace", that of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. For weeks, a "sentence" has been brewing in those desks, that of the State on the most devastating of the three projects, the one that concerns the municipal territory of Barumini. It is impossible to believe such a crime, but the Government is called upon to decide on the fate of a thousand-year-old monument, symbol of the great civilization of the Sardinian People. To be resolved is the dispute between the Ministry of the Environment and that of Cultural Heritage. The first, without thinking twice, ignoring 3,500 years of history, said yes to the devastation of the skyline of the Nuragic Palace, the second a clear no, with a judgment so severe that it should have led anyone to a position of common sense and responsibility. Instead, nothing. It is a two-faced State, on one side a tormentor and business man, on the other responsible and attentive. The Meloni Government, however, following the "crazy" philosophy of the Draghi Government, last week established a principle worthy of the "Taliban" regimes, ready to devastate the historical heritage in exchange for power and supremacy.
Prevalence of outrage
With the legislative decree on the Consolidated Law on Renewable Energy, it reiterated that renewable energy has an absolute "prevalence" over landscape and cultural heritage. A premise that is difficult to reconcile with the hope of saving the great "Palace" of Barumini. All this despite the fact that the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, with the highest of the Superintendencies, has put down in black and white an irreversible epitaph against that wind power stabbing on Sardinian soil: "It is clear that the proximity of the 17 wind turbines of a height of 200 m would entail an irreparable negative impact on a landscape and on a cultural heritage of great importance for the entire Island, as the looming wind towers would suppress the integrity and landscape balance that still exists today between the cultural heritage spread throughout the countryside, the small historical settlements and the agricultural and natural territory of reference".
Defacement on the Royal Palace
The impact simulation, drawn up by the designers of the scar, demonstrates, without appeal, the devastation of the territorial complex framed by the very top of "Su Nuraxi". And the Special Superintendency of the PNRR engraves it in its opinion: «As emerges from the analysis of the intervisibilities and the relative distances of the elements of the system from the archaeological sites and architectural cultural heritage, the looming presence of the wind turbines would leave no escape from the permanence, still unchanged today, of the landscape usability of the historical settlement systems and their significant relationships with the reference landscape, in consideration of a hilly and plateau territory characterized by numerous panoramic points from which you can enjoy wide views». In other words, if you go ahead with those projects, "the wind dagger" will forever scar the history of Sardinia, starting from the most universal of its monuments, the Nuragic Palace of Barumini, the first symbol of the great ancient civilization of the Sardinian People.