The screening campaign for students to return to school in safety has started in Sardinia, as required by the ordinance signed late Wednesday evening by President Christian Solinas. In the document, the resumption of lessons is set for January 10 with two days (today and tomorrow) for the development of tampons.

The first screenings on boys began in the Nuorese area. Tests have already started in the health and social districts of Sorgono and Macomer, tonight it's the Lower Barony's turn, tomorrow and Sunday in Nuoro. And always tomorrow in Capoterra: screening from 9 to 18 at the Meccano center and an appeal by the mayor Beniamino Garau to doctors, nurses and assistants to increase attendance.

Two days of swabs, Saturday and Sunday, for all school students of all levels of the eighteen municipalities of the Union of Marmilla at the San Gavino vaccination center. The screening organized by the ASL of Oristano for tomorrow and Sunday will instead be reserved for pupils from kindergarten to middle school, and the vaccination hub of Sa Rodia will also be open.

Some problems are recorded at the organizational level in the most populous areas, Cagliari, Sassari, Olbia.

The model is the one used for the "Sardis and safe" tracking campaign, which had brought thousands of people to hubs and schools to carry out the swab. "We believe in vaccination, tracking and Ffp2 masks - says Massimo Depau, president of the association of Sardinian deans - of course, it is impossible to have ventilation systems in a short time like in Japan. Dad? For me it is only good for very short periods functional to the tracking and preparation of all those precautions that allow you to have lessons in safety ".

However, signs of concern come from various areas of the island: in the chats of school representatives, positive cases are reported in various schools.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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