The numbers speak, despite the silence of the buildings. Figures engraved on the table of state impositions since article one of an implementing decree which has never seen the light. That rule invoked by the Draghi Government's nefarious decree on large-scale energy speculation awaits approval as early as July 2023, just to try to alleviate the perception of the anarchy that hovers like a specter over the horizons of the island. They called it the "suitable areas" decree. The intent was to instill the collective illusion that panels and shovels could only be stuck in a few chosen areas at the supreme altar of state incentives.


An illusion, indeed. Nothing more than a deceptive "suitability", functional to hide the plans of state lobbies and potentates, all intent on making money in the land of Sardinia. The few vague words of the first approaches between the Government and the Region in the post-election period speak of "approach", but no one has any idea what the positions would actually have "approached". What is certain is that the department of Pichetto Fratin, Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, in article two of that draft decree, officially submitted to the attention of the Conference of the Regions, has put in black and white a table, drawn up by who knows who, where an unequivocal fact emerges: Sardinia is the Region that pays the most for the wind and photovoltaic invasion planned in the business suburbs of the Capital.

The deception of numbers

Just one fact is enough: Italy is planning to produce a whopping 80,001 megawatts of renewable energy power between now and 2030. The decree, which is constantly on its way to completion, provides for the identification of the " distribution between the Regions and autonomous Provinces of the national objective for 2030 of an additional power equal to 80 GW from renewable sources, necessary to achieve the objectives set by the Pniec and respond to the new objectives deriving from the implementation of the "Fit for 55" package, also in light of the "Repower UE" package .

Europe's excuse

In practice, with this first article, the distribution of that load of shovels and panels on Italian territory is planned, with the always ready "excuse" of the "packages" from Brussels.

The “cross-eyed” silence

In this scenario of apparent "back and forth", however, no one has yet clarified why Sardinia, in this clumsy and cross-eyed plan, must take on three times, in some cases almost five times, the wind and photovoltaic energy production compared to any other other Italian region. According to the State "paradigms", as many as 6,203 megawatts of additional "renewable" production are imposed on Sardinia, while a proportional distribution with respect to the population parameter, and therefore consumption, would have been entitled to just 2,129.

Send them to Sardinia

If the per capita indicator is used, the comparison between the Sardinian and Lombard citizens is disarming. The Milanese area was assigned 0.0008 megawatts of renewable production, while the Cagliari area received 0.0039 megawatts, or five times more. The comparison with other regions does not change, the Sardinians are entitled to panels and shovels in double the size compared to the Sicilians, six times more than the Ligurians and Campanians, four times more than the Venetians, Tuscans and Piedmontese.

Send them to “colony”

In short, on the basis of that table, inexplicable both on a numerical and conceptual level, if not with colonial logic, the State urgently decides to hurl a totally disproportionate quantity of wind and photovoltaic plants onto the Island, justified only by alchemy from " lower empire". These first articles would be enough to send back to the sender the draft and assumptions of this "bizarre" implementing decree proposed by the Government.

Autonomous “dignity”.

Accepting this first assumption, in fact, would mean succumbing to state imposition without any autonomist "dignity". Added to this is another incontrovertible element: those 6,200 megawatts of "renewable" energy imposed on Sardinia would be completely useless on the island, let alone the 57,000 megawatts required for the connection to Terna. All energy that would end up being "thrown" or accumulated in devastating expanses of Chinese lithium batteries, precisely because no infrastructure could ever "transfer" it to the Continent, not even the nefarious cable-leash of the Tyrrhenian Link. A useless infrastructure, functional only to "throw" a mountain of public money, 3.7 billion euros, into the sea to encourage speculators to devastate the island with wind turbines 250 meters high or endless expanses of panels Chinese, symbol of the new colonization of the Dragon in Sardinian land.

Nobody says it

No one will ever say it: in those numbers reported in the draft decree, on which the Sardinian Region must express its assent or dissent, it is written, without too many preambles, that Italy wants to unload the weight of European impositions in the most far away, in the most uninhabited one, where there are few people compared to a territory that Rome considers immense. In doing so, the Government does not take into account the insular condition, much less the fact that Sardinia has always been the only region without methane. So much for insularity and rebalancing.



Energy, the great deception of "suitable areas"

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