Simone Picci was 19 years old . He is one of the victims of this morning's dramatic accident in Viale Marconi in Cagliari.

At the beginning of the year Picci was involved in another fatal accident ( HERE IS THE NEWS ) : in that case, on January 14th, the boy was in a Smart car with a peer of his, Nicola Colombu, on the median axis.

The car had collided with the traffic island, and Colombu had fallen into a coma. After more than two weeks he died on January 31st. Picci had suffered minor injuries, and had escaped with 30 days of treatment .

Not the first drama of a very unfortunate life: on 9 October 2016 his father, Sandro Picci, was killed with a gunshot in Is Mirrionis, in via Pertusola, following a degenerate argument. ( HERE THE STORY )


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