The 40 migrants who landed this morning in Olbia will be distributed throughout Sardinia: 28 unaccompanied minors and twelve other people who are part of five family units .

The Prefecture of Cagliari has arranged for the reception in the various provinces, the unaccompanied minors will find hospitality in the territories of Sassari (15), Oristano (5) and Nuoro (8) while the five families will go to the Cagliari area , partly composed of single women with children and grandchildren, one in an advanced state of pregnancy. Among the minors, three children under one year of age .

In the meantime, at Isola Bianca, the bureaucratic procedures and medical visits are being completed , carried out by specialists from the ASL Gallura. The people who disembarked were fed by the Civil Protection associations and assisted by interpreters and cultural mediators.

Video di Giampaolo Cuccuru

The disembarkation took place at 11.15 on a dock on Isola Bianca where the patrol boat docked that carried out the transfer from the Ocean Viking ship of the NGO Mediterranée (which rescued the shipwrecked people a few days ago) of the 40 people considered fragile and who were spared part of the long journey to the Ligurian capital where the ship is now headed with another 45 people on board.

The impressive organizational machine involved in Olbia about a hundred people including the Coast Guard, State Police, ASL, Port Authority, Municipality of Olbia, Red Cross and other volunteer organizations in the area.

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