Mauro Pili

They teach it in the "elementary" classes of constitutional law. The Republic is made up of the Municipalities, the Regions and the State. Until proven otherwise. If, however, the opportunity is tempting, secret, armored, to be obtained at all costs, the audience widens, to the point of lining up none other than the Ministry of Defence. The operation is hidden, written in a blitz decree which aims to fill the Bel Paese with wind turbines and photovoltaic mirrors. A sort of further acceleration lane, yet another, to satisfy wind and sun speculators, starting from the island of Sardinia.

Nuclear hand

With the package of "renewables" to be supported by increasingly expensive bills this time, however, the nuclear "little hand", before 2023 ended and the new year began, added yet another picklock of the radioactive lobbies, those that they have always operated by private negotiation, according to the military codes of state secrecy. A combination as daring as it is dangerous which casts yet another nuclear shadow on Sardinia, that of the unique deposit of radioactive waste. They have been trying far and wide for three years, despite the Constitution, the eternally violated one, having established a theoretically inviolable shield, that of the Special Statute Region of Sardinia.

All equal

Yet, after the plebiscite outcome of a sacrosanct popular referendum against radioactive waste, the assault on Sardinia has never ceased, first under the radar and then with explicit acts with the repeated publication, first in 2021, of Conte II Government, and the last month, the Meloni Government, of the map with 14 areas identified as suitable for creating the state radioactive "landfill" on Sardinian land.

Pointless outcry

Sardinia's technical, constitutional and popular outcry against the five-star government and the Democratic Party was not enough, which in January 2021, with the authorization of the Minister of the Environment, the five-star Carabinieri general Sergio Costa, and of that of Economic Development, Stefano Patuanelli, gave the green light to the official publication of the "radioactive" map, with the Island shamelessly involved among the sites chosen for the nuclear depot. Last December, however, it was the Forzista Pichetto Frattin, Minister of Energy Security, with his colleague Adolfo Urso, Economic Development, Fratelli d'Italia, who published yet another chessboard of suitable sites: Sardinia once again included in that nefarious nuclear cartography. The opposition of the Municipalities, of the Region, of the popular referendum, once again trashed, without a shot being fired. In the Roman palace circles, however, the nuclear lobbies are in a damned hurry. At the risk of pursuing risky shortcuts, they move with the unscrupulousness of those who must at all costs create that "single" deposit, despite the fact that community provisions speak of "unitary management" of radioactive waste, very different from the project that is only useful for spending an avalanche of billions at the service of "exclusive" companies ready to create a cathedral of atomic waste.

The lords of uranium

The lords of "garbage" uranium know that the choice of the site has dragged on for too many years to trust a procedure that will never reach the end. It is for this reason, in the midst of war in Ukraine and the Middle East, that they impose the blitz. The title of decree number 181 of 9 December 2023, published on Saturday in the Official Journal, makes no mention of it: «Conversion into law of the decree-law of 9 December 2023, n. 181, containing urgent provisions for the country's energy security, the promotion of the use of renewable energy sources, support for energy-intensive businesses and for reconstruction in the territories affected by the exceptional flood events which occurred starting from 1 May 2023". In contravention of every constitutional provision which requires the law decrees to be necessarily limited to "homogeneous matters" and for "extraordinary cases of necessity and urgency", the Government, at the end of the year, decided to drop the military ace to impose the nuclear site within the military bases.

State of war

A "war" rule to put under the aegis of the armed forces a choice which in Sardinia is opposed by popular acclaim. The offending article is eleven, with a devastating addition to the single deposit rule of 2010: « The Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security publishes on its institutional website the list of areas present in the CNAI proposal (National map of potentially suitable areas, ed.). The territorial bodies whose areas are not present in the CNAI proposal, as well as the Ministry of Defense for the military structures involved, within thirty days of the publication of the list referred to in the first period, can submit their self-application to host the technology park on their territory and ask the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and the Sogin SpA to start a re-evaluation of the territory itself, in order to verify its possible suitability". Therefore, together with the Municipalities and the Regions, the infamous "Ministry of Defense for the military structures involved" will also be able to put forward nominations.

Coup of skills

A sort of constitutional "coup" that throws into a ravine the provision that assigns the government of the territory, each for its own responsibilities, to the Municipalities, Regions and State, certainly not to the Ministry of Defense. The vulnerability , in its gravity, is twofold, on the level of the constitutional functions assigned to the territorial bodies and on that of the arrogant "military empire" deployed by the Government to impose a nefarious plan opposed without half measures by the entire island.

Twenty years of lobbying

A decision that aims to reopen the terms for identifying the single site after the nuclear lobbies have been rejected from every corner of the country for twenty years, starting from Sardinia. The operation, therefore, with this new decree provides for a second phase, after the failure of the first.

Extra time

In fact, the decree establishes additional time for radioactive waste "volunteers". Yet another attempt to convince someone to take that mountain of nuclear waste into their own home, ignoring the possibility of unitary management of already existing radioactive sites.


The Government tries again: forward with the radioactive waste volunteers. He also puts in some money, a ridiculous million euros. It is unlikely that anyone will come forward, regardless of the promise of a bit of vile money. It is for this reason that nuclear strategists encounter in this mission of the single repository the "ravenous" availability of the Ministry of Defense, capable for the occasion of transforming itself into a "territorial body", in defiance of every constitutional norm, as if the bases military were a free zone, an independent state, where generals and ministers can do what they want, even nominate war ranges to host radioactive waste.

Military hands

The plan is clear: having included the Ministry of Defense among the entities that "voluntarily" propose alternative sites to the suitable ones is a sort of "drop point", that is, the imposition of the nuclear site through the final diktat, a real own State decision with the trappings of the "manu militari".

Sardinia in the sights

For observers, those closest to nuclear and military affairs, that equation "single site and available ranges" translates into only one way: Sardinia, if only because the island is the custodian, in spite of itself, of as many as 35,000 hectares of military areas dedicated to the destruction of natural habitats, landscapes and pollution of all kinds, including radioactive pollution, according to investigations by the Prosecutor's Office of Cagliari and Lanusei. A percentage of "warmongering" occupation that has thrown 65% of Italian military ranges onto Sardinian land, with a clear strategy to "hide" that radioactive site within these immense expanses of Sardinian territory.

Nuclear vice

And it wouldn't be the first time that the Ministry of Defense "hides" radioactive waste inside military ranges: it had already done so in 2018 when, in a hurry, once a "nuclear" warehouse was discovered in the Teulada base, it had to load all on two helicopters, in the middle of August, and transport those radioactive drums to the Cisam base in Pisa. The military passage of the decree, for Sardinia, is the most delicate one, given that the "candidacy" of the Ministry of Defense would be totally divorced from any agreement with the Region, considering that the reckless military "competence" was excluded from authorization passages with other local authorities.

Sardinian danger

The danger, therefore, is as high as ever. Trembling with Sardinia are all the Sardinian ranges, from Teulada to Quirra, from Capo Frasca to Poglina, up to La Maddalena. Every Sardinian site could end up in the sights of the State precisely due to the characteristics of "isolation", not only military but also infrastructural and logistical of those areas. At stake are certainly the two largest polygons in Italy, Teulada with its 7,200 hectares of extension, Salto di Quirra with over 12 thousand hectares. Areas isolated from the world, with roads deliberately left at the level of state mule tracks, fences without equal. More daring on an orographic level appear Capo Frasca and the famous headquarters of the very secret «Stay Behind», at Capo Marrargiu, in the Poglina base. A separate case is that of the La Maddalena base, on the island of Santo Stefano, an island within the island of the island.

The tunnels of La Maddalena

In fact, inside that Italian arsenal base, on Sardinian soil, there are tunnels that are the envy of those in the Gaza Strip. Kilometers of tunnels with immense underground spaces used, not as they once were, to store weapons, missiles and bombs of all kinds. Meanwhile, discussions have begun in the Chamber commission. There are also amendments already presented. Someone proposed the deletion of that article, but immediately afterwards the signatories of the deletion outdid themselves by asking the government to focus only on existing ranges. Sardinia, therefore, is once again under attack.


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