The corpse found yesterday afternoon in a cistern, half covered by water, in the Pranu Mannu area, downstream of Talana, belongs to Mosè Cao.

The 58-year-old worker from Lotzorai, who disappeared into thin air on 18 September after meeting some people on the western outskirts of Tortolì, was identified late in the evening: he was wearing the same clothing (in particular an Armani t-shirt) he wore the day he his traces had been lost. He had a hole in his head and one in his chest, most likely from gunshots.

To recover the body, the diving team of the Cagliari fire brigade had to intervene and the water had to be emptied of the cavity. The autopsy, scheduled for tomorrow, and the DNA examination will give the official status.

The discovery of the body happened by chance. Thanks to the sunny afternoon, a person went into the fields that extend parallel to the Provincial 56 in search of mushrooms. It was just after 3pm. The man noticed a shape inside the tank. The alarm went off immediately. Police, carabinieri and firefighters arrived on the scene.


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