The blindfolded goddess kisses the tobacconist's-receptionist's in via Porcu at the corner with via Cavour in Quartu Sant'Elena. It is here that a lucky bettor managed to grab 100,000 euros with a 5-euro Speed Cash scratch card that can also reach the maximum payout of 500,000 euros.

And certainly 100 thousand euros will be useful for those who pocketed them who, as usual, remain shrouded in mystery and even in the tobacconist's they keep their mouths shut. Many onlookers wandered around the area this morning and stopped in front of the sign posted in the window with the words "Won 100 thousand euros".

What is certain is that the resale in via Porcu is not new to these strokes of luck. 500 thousand euros had arrived a few years ago with the scratch card "The Billionaire". The coup had been hit by a married couple who had presented themselves in the resale with the winning ticket, unaware of the fact that they should have gone directly to the bank for collection. In the same resale also another win of 500,000 euros, 100,000 and many smaller ones of 10,000 euros. Because the fever of the game continues to fascinate Quartesi and everyone is trying their luck, from the young to the elders.

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