Sardinia spends a lot on healthcare, but with terrible results.

It emerges from the data published by Sole24ore according to which, as Acli Salute explains, the Region is in fourth place in Italy in terms of per capita spending on healthcare but is at the same time third to last in terms of guaranteeing the essential levels of assistance provided.

«The strong discrepancy between the two data and the total inconsistency and ineffectiveness of the spending set by the Sardinian regional council is clear», attacks Salvatore Sanna, vice-President of the ACLI of Sardinia.

There are still no real effects on the reduction of waiting lists for specialist visits", highlights Sanna, recalling that the island "is using already available resources which must be spent by December 2024. Despite the declarations of councilor Doria, no available euro reached patients or affiliated providers today, and the results in the public system are lower than the pre-Covid period".

«Mistrust» for the current situation and «waiting for a change that is now only announced and far from arriving». This, Sanna continues, is the climate that reigns among the operators. «The elderly people who turn to our offices – he explains – continue to receive no answers from the Cup and from public structures».

Furthermore, inequalities remain between the territories, «with Northern Sardinia treated as a lower league compared to the rest of the island», while «patients are increasingly asked to undertake journeys of hope even just for an MRI or they are forced to pay, even among the public, disproportionate figures for intramoenia services".


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