Sardinia also risks facing the fourth wave, just like the rest of Italy. The number of Covid infections is slowly but steadily increasing (a month ago the trend was half of the current daily cases).

Even with a solid shield of over 80% of the immunized vaccinable population, the slowness of administering third doses to the frail and over 60, and the lack of coverage of an army of no vax and undecided, can soon become the flaw that the virus tries to multiply and spread.

The outbreak stoked in recent days between Sassari and Gallura after the return of pilgrims from Medjugorje (apparently only Delta variant infections), as well as the infections that came out of a sewing course in Lanusei, are therefore valid as a warning not to be taken lightly, under penalty of returning to restrictions such as the local red zones and the passage in the yellow zone. The latter hypothesis is less likely, but mini lockdowns remain the safest tool to contain an outbreak.

"My fear is that the clusters we have identified, and the recent increase in cases, are nothing more than the sign of a potential increase in the epidemic curve in Sardinia - warns epidemiologist Giovanni Sotgiu, professor of medical statistics at the University of Sassari -. We need to act in terms of prevention, inviting people to get vaccinated. We need a strong advertising campaign, an impressive educational intervention, because until there is coverage for the whole population, therefore also for children, it is necessary that those who can get immunized do so as soon as possible ".

THE HOSPITALS - Meanwhile, there is something new on the hospital front. Binaghi will officially be Covid hospital, with its 90 dedicated beds, until the pandemic is over. And thus it will take the place of the Holy Trinity - in the last two years the most important trench in the war against the virus - who is finally "free (for ten days he has no longer been hospitalized with Sars-CoV-2 infection), has restarted ordinary activities in all departments and awaits the completion (by Christmas) of the renovations to reopen the emergency room as well.

"Mind you, we also have the alert, in the sense that we are always ready to intervene when the cases should increase - explains the commissioner of the Ats Massimo Temussi -. Everyone must be ready, we know that in winter the infections rise, we expect another wave, which we hope will be more of a wave, and an impact on hospitals will have it. But not such - we believe - to put the system in crisis, on the other hand we have never arrived to collapse ".


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