At stake is the future of Sardinia, its unique and exclusive landscape, its identity based on Nuragic "pillars" and natural "genius". Yet we continue to play on half-words, on labile and equivocal meanings, on rules artfully constructed to deceive the collective imagination and inflict a condemnation without appeal on the Island. The logic is consolidated: wasting time, with the aim of leaving the field open to the worst speculators in the land of Nuraghi.

Propaganda in the wind

In an instant we went from the slogans of "let's stop speculation", to a "fake" moratorium that stops nothing, to arrive at the present day with the deceptive formula of the delimitation of "suitable areas". In essence, no prohibition, everywhere in Sardinia agricultural land can be devastated and enchanted landscapes attacked. In what are defined as "suitable areas", the procedures for obtaining wind or photovoltaic authorizations will be rapid and urgent, "halving the time", the regulations write. In all other areas, however, defined as "unsuitable", there will, however, be no prohibition, but simply ordinary procedures without reduction in procedural timescales.

Trojan Horse

There are those who pass off the definition of "suitable areas" as an achievement, in reality it is a real "Trojan horse", a screen capable of covering an incursion without appeal into the landscape of the island. The state of the art is apparently, and perhaps deliberately, complicated, with the aim of deceiving and evading the principle of transparency in territorial governance. In summary: the now reviled Draghi legislative decree, number 199 of 8 November 2021, had provided, in article 20, that the Government, within 180 days of the entry into force of that provision, would adopt a further one to regulate the so-called «areas suitable for renewables». After those six months nothing happened, no decree was presented, much less adopted. To date, with 930 days of delay, instead of the expected 180, there is no decree on "suitable areas". Free field, in short.

Clogged protocols

Borders open to all kinds of speculation, with a whole series of picklocks, positioned with surgical interest, which risk ruining any hypothesis of blocking the invasion. In recent years, in fact, the "mad" photovoltaic and wind speculators have done nothing but subjugate the protocols of the Ministry and the Region of the most invasive and devastating landscape-environmental assault projects in Sardinia. Thousands of hectares ready to be razed to the ground to replace grain with silicon, that of the Chinese panels which, like a river in flood, are invading the agricultural lands of the island, promontories and nuraghi ready to be topped with wind turbines over 250 meters high .

Delay by default

A decisive delay, the one accumulated to date, both on the regional and state front. On the one hand the devastating Draghi decree which without any barrier allowed the uncontrolled presentation of hundreds of speculative projects throughout the island and on the other the Region which instead of "protecting itself" with effective and immediate regulations such as the "urban planning" ones preferred to leave Do. In recent days the Sardinian Region, in its capacity as coordinator of the energy sector of the Conference of Regions, met with the Minister of the Environment Pichetto Fratin. In short, a stalemate.

Wind & smoke

The declarations on both sides were vague and generic, without even the slightest reference to the contents of the implementing decree on "suitable areas", the one that the Government sent last year to the Conference of Presidents for the agreement. There was talk of "approaching" positions, but no one explained what type of "approach": who gave in and on what. Certainly Sardinia, with the text under examination and any changes that would be introduced after the Government's approval of the "Agriculture" decree, would be devastated both in terms of quantity and powers.

Sardinia dominated

First of all, the Government's text states that Sardinia must reach a "renewable" production of 6,203 megawatts by 2030. A fact that confirms the great "deception", even numerical, to the detriment of the Island. It is not clear, in fact, why Veneto, for example, with its 4 million and 800 thousand inhabitants must produce only 5,763 megawatts of renewable energy, Lombardy with ten million inhabitants only 8,600 megawatts, Lazio with 5 million and 700 thousand inhabitants just 4,708 megawatts, Campania with 5 million and 600 thousand inhabitants only 3,943 megawatts.

Algorithms for speculating

This is a division "invented" from scratch by the Palaces of Rome, with algorithms planned for the use and consumption of the interests of speculators, with the aim of safeguarding a large part of Italy by unloading the unbearable burden of energy speculation on Sardinia. A quantity of renewable energy, the one attributed in the draft decree to Sardinia, which clashes with the needs of a population of one million and 600 thousand inhabitants. This is a dimensioning imposed by the Government Buildings without the slightest negotiation with the Region which seems to suffer everything in silence. The quantities are accompanied by the contents that seem to want to impose "state" procedures on the Regions and in particular on Sardinia to identify the "suitable areas" which would end up turning into a real "sieve" plan, with the whole island at risk assault. The definition of "suitable areas", in fact, would have such wide ranges that it would end up affecting the entire regional territory, also leaving open the possibility of installing wind and photovoltaic power plants in all other areas which would therefore not be "prohibited", but on which panels and poles could still be driven using ordinary procedures, without discounts. Therefore, if the rule of "suitable areas", large and with the procedural accelerator, and that of the areas, cunningly defined as "unsuitable", but in fact suitable with ordinary times, were passed, we would be faced with a real "sack" of Sardinia . In the decree being examined by the Conference of Regional Presidents, then destined for the Unified State-Regions Conference, on which Sardinia should express its opinion as coordinator of the Energy sector, there would therefore be no prohibition on carrying out the wind invasion, if anything, the times for the plants that would fall into the elusive "suitable areas" will be accelerated.

Nefarious text

Added to this is that, in the text being examined by the Conference of the Regions, the "suitable areas" have an indication that is already devastating in itself for Sardinia: they range from sites where plants from the same source have already been installed with an increase not greater than 20% of the existing areas subject to reclamation, from closed quarries and mines to areas classified as agricultural, enclosed in a perimeter whose points are no more than 500 meters from industrial, artisanal and commercial areas, from state property military to those for any reason used by the Ministry of Defence. Therefore, not only boundless "suitable areas" where "rapid and accelerated" authorizations can be obtained, but also "unsuitable" areas where, in ordinary times, everything will be permitted. All this despite the fact that Sardinia has "constitutional" power, art. 3 letter " f " of the Statute, which assigns primary competence to the Region for the "government of the territory", in particular in matters of "building and urban planning" . An article of law would be enough to block the assault on the island with specific, immediate and effective bans. The lockpick of "suitable areas", however, is nothing more than a quicker pass for speculators and wind and sun fixers in the land of Sardinia.


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