In Cagliari , the Palazzo Regio greets residents and tourists with its new facade.

"Antique red" is the color chosen, after detailed historical research in collaboration with the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage. «This color - explained the mayor Paolo Truzzu - has often distinguished the Palazzo Regio in the past and is still recurring in the buildings in the Castello district, we wanted to give the building a more incisive urban role in the scenario of Piazza Palazzo and a more adequate one. dignity of representation which belongs to the Metropolitan City, Cagliari and Sardinia».

Piazza Palazzo has seen not only a refreshed look of the institutional headquarters of the metropolitan city but also greater accessibility, with the installation of a platform lift that will facilitate entry also for the disabled and three light wheelchairs available for visits . In August, however, the restyling of the internal courtyard will start and – with new allocations – the restoration of Maria Cristina's rooms and the mural painting by Domenico Bruschi which represents the defense of the Iliesi from the assaults of Roman soldiers will begin.

The 550 thousand euro intervention financed by the Metropolitan City has as its priority objective the safety of one of the most important and most visited monuments in the city. The restyling of the façade included the restoration of the "Palazzo del governo" inscription , the moving of the commemorative slab to a more visible position, the replacement of the fixtures on the ground and second floors, the restoration of the historical fixtures on the main floor (first floor), iron gratings, balcony railings and the replacement of the gutter channel.The shutters, once removed because they were damaged, have been replaced.


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