A day of solidarity organized by the Third Bersaglieri Regiment of the Sassari Brigade , on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the disappearance of Major Giuseppe La Rosa , gold medal for Military Valor in memory, who fell in Afghanistan on 8 June 2013 following of a terrorist attack . The dimonios thus participated in an extraordinary blood collection in favor of the transfusion center of the Sirai hospital in Carbonia , inaugurated and named in 2017 precisely in memory of the decorated person.

The activity took place in the "Salvatore Pisano" barracks in Teulada and underlined not only the proximity of the "feathered infantrymen" to the territory but also the collaboration between the Army and the health service of the Region . Blood donation is confirmed as the only effective and indispensable life-saving system for both routine and emergency surgical needs and for the transfusions of the many thalassemia patients.

The initiative was supported by the regional National Bersaglieri Association and the Arborea Section which, under the patronage of the municipality of Arborea and in collaboration with the Pro loco, organized the "Day of the Bersagliere": a brisk walk of four kilometers in the circuit citizen of Arborea dedicated to the figure of Major La Rosa.

To anticipate the sporting event there was a commemorative ceremony in Piazza Maria Ausiliatrice with the raising of the flag, the blessing of the crown by the parish priest and the deposition on the war memorial.


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