
Perquisizioni della Guardia di Finanza (foto concessa)
Perquisizioni della Guardia di Finanza (foto concessa)
The investigations

Escorts and luxury gifts in exchange for waste disposal contracts: searches also in Gallura

Corruption and exploitation of prostitution are the crimes contested in the "Leonida" operation which led to the execution of 5 precautionary measures and 14 warnings
Mattia Giani (foto dai social)
Mattia Giani (foto dai social)

Mattia Giani died of an illness, his father: «There was no doctor on the pitch, defibrillator not used»

Sandro Giani will file a complaint: "We want the truth." The boy, 26 years old, touched his chest after a shot and collapsed
Olindo Romano e Rosa Bazzi vengono scortati al tribunale di Brescia (foto Ansa)
Olindo Romano e Rosa Bazzi vengono scortati al tribunale di Brescia (foto Ansa)

Erba massacre, here are the cards of Olindo and Rosa. The lawyers: «Pressure and promises to obtain the confession»

New hearing on the request for review of the trial. There will be a postponement "not soon" for the decision of the Court of Appeal of Brescia
Il materiale sequestrato (foto carabinieri)
Il materiale sequestrato (foto carabinieri)

The "God of Gold" arrested: he is an 86-year-old elderly man

Involved in a receiving ring together with other accomplices. Carabinieri operation
Guardia di finanza (foto concessa)
Guardia di finanza (foto concessa)
Operation “Leonidas”

Waste and irregular procurement in Emilia, a house searched in Gallura

Five precautionary measures were carried out: three against public officials. Checks in the seaside villa of one of the 14 suspects

He attacks his partner in hospital and stabs three people who intervened to defend him

The injured are two clinic employees and a patient, none of them are in danger of life. A 22 year old was arrested
Un ospedale (Ansa)
Un ospedale (Ansa)
the case

To avoid paying for tests and visits, he visits hospitals in Italy: reported

Every month he showed up in emergency rooms providing false identities
Il commissario straordinario per l'emergenza Covd-19, Domenico Arcuri, durante la presentazione dei risultati della fase 1 di sperimentazione del vaccino ReiThera GRAd-CoV2 presso l'ospedale ''Lazzaro Spallanzani'', Roma 5 gennaio 2021. ANSA/FABIO FRUSTACI
Il commissario straordinario per l'emergenza Covd-19, Domenico Arcuri, durante la presentazione dei risultati della fase 1 di sperimentazione del vaccino ReiThera GRAd-CoV2 presso l'ospedale ''Lazzaro Spallanzani'', Roma 5 gennaio 2021. ANSA/FABIO FRUSTACI

Covid, mask investigation: a year and 4 months requested for former commissioner Domenico Arcuri

The Capitoline prosecutors also requested around ten indictments
Toscana , Veduta dell' ospedale di Careggi 22 marzo 2014 ANSA/MAURIZIO DEGL INNOCENTI
Toscana , Veduta dell' ospedale di Careggi 22 marzo 2014 ANSA/MAURIZIO DEGL INNOCENTI
tragedy in Tuscany

Illness on the pitch: 26-year-old footballer dies in hospital

The young man was hospitalized after collapsing on the pitch during an Eccellenza match
Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, ministro dell'Ambiente (foto Ansa)
Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, ministro dell'Ambiente (foto Ansa)

Minister Pichetto: «The Government is studying and evaluating the new nuclear power»

«To move the country with electricity we would need to cover the territory with solar panels and wind turbines: small reactors could contribute»
L'ospedale Cardarelli di Napoli (foto Ansa)
L'ospedale Cardarelli di Napoli (foto Ansa)

Tragic clash in Campagna: in addition to the two carabinieri there is a third victim

Cosimo Filantropia, 75 years old, did not make it and was hospitalized after the crash. 31-year-old Nancy Liliano - positive for drugs and alcohol - investigated for vehicular homicide
(Foto Carabinieri)
(Foto Carabinieri)

They rape a tourist: a 41-year-old and a 44-year-old arrested

The prison doors were opened for the two, stopped by the police
Un'ambulanza (Ansa)
Un'ambulanza (Ansa)

He drowns on his 15th birthday: the tragedy in Salento

The young man had gone to the seaside together with other boys, he dived but did not resurface. The rescue was useless
the fire

Bus on fire on the outskirts of Rome, three intoxicated

So much fear in via di Tor Sapienza this morning: the fire caused damage to a parked car and to the outdoor gazebo of a restaurant
Campi flegrei (Ansa)
Campi flegrei (Ansa)

Seismic swarm in the Phlegraean area, tremors felt in Naples

The earthquake was distinctly felt in several neighborhoods
Carabinieri (Ansa)
Carabinieri (Ansa)

Old woman who died at home for weeks, next to her disabled and malnourished husband

The son is under investigation for abandonment of an incompetent person and concealment of a corpse
Agenti della squadra mobile effettuano le indagini al Mandela Forum (Ansa)
Agenti della squadra mobile effettuano le indagini al Mandela Forum (Ansa)

Antonio Morra died at the Subsonica concert, a man arrested

He would have punched the victim, causing him to fall down the stairs and causing his death: he is accused of manslaughter

Sex with 14-year-old student and jealous scenes: teacher suspended for a year

There would have been no constraints, according to what emerged: the girl had decided to end the relationship, then told everything to the psychologist
Alessia Pifferi durante l'udienza del processo per l'omicidio della figlia Diana nell'aula del Palazzo di Giustizia a Milano (Ansa)
Alessia Pifferi durante l'udienza del processo per l'omicidio della figlia Diana nell'aula del Palazzo di Giustizia a Milano (Ansa)

Alessia Pifferi, asked for a life sentence: «She knew that her daughter would die, she achieved her goal»

The prosecutor's harsh indictment: "He didn't have the courage to kill her with his own hands." She: «I'm not a murderer, I'm a mother who lost her daughter»
the crime

Davide Conforto killed by his nephew with several stab wounds, had a past in Sassari

The autopsy on the body of the 62-year-old, who lived for a long time in Sardinia with his ex-partner with whom he had a child. The murder took place in Valtellina
Immagine simbolica della grande mobilitazione di Saccargia, verso Pratobello (L'Unione Sarda)
Immagine simbolica della grande mobilitazione di Saccargia, verso Pratobello (L'Unione Sarda)

Saccargia, the dream of a modern Pratobello

Journey on the day destined to mark a turning point in the history of the Sardinian people: react or suffer the invasion