
Il palco del concerto (foto da Facebook)
Il palco del concerto (foto da Facebook)

Tragedy at the Subsonica concert: brawl between spectators, then one falls, hits his head and dies

The 47-year-old man was taken to hospital but there was nothing that could be done for him
Sommozzatori al lavoro per cercare i dispersi (foto via Ansa)
Sommozzatori al lavoro per cercare i dispersi (foto via Ansa)
The research

Suviana massacre, the body of the last missing person recovered: seven victims

Four injured people are still in hospital: they all have burns suffered in the explosion
La centrale di Suviana (foto Ansa)
La centrale di Suviana (foto Ansa)
the tragedy

Suviana: the sixth victim has been identified, the search is underway for the last missing person

The body belongs to Alessandro D'Andrea, 37 years old. In the dramatic toll of the explosion also 5 injured
the protest

Beach resorts in the square: «If they don't listen to us, we're ready to close the beaches»

The battle is heating up to ask the government to approve a law as soon as possible that gives certainty to the sector
Mario Cattaneo
Mario Cattaneo

He shoots and kills a thief in his club: Mario Cattaneo also acquitted on appeal

For the judges, the blow by the Lodi innkeeper would not have been accidental, but with the amended law "the fact does not constitute a crime"
Giulia Tramontano (Ansa)
Giulia Tramontano (Ansa)

Crime Tramontano, Giulia's father: «Impagnatiello must rot in prison»

New hearing in the trial of the barman accused of killing his 7-month pregnant girlfriend
Alfonso Pisicchio (Ansa)
Alfonso Pisicchio (Ansa)

Puglia, corruption investigation: a former regional councilor and his brother arrested

Among the charges against Alfredo and Enzo Pisicchio are also aggravated fraud and disturbing the freedom of auctions
Bagnanti (Ansa)
Bagnanti (Ansa)
weather forecast

Abnormally hot weekend: it's "AprilJune"

Sunshine returns and maximum temperatures above 30 degrees
Pentole sul fuoco (foto Unsplash)
Pentole sul fuoco (foto Unsplash)

Pressure cooker explodes, 46-year-old dies

The domestic accident occurred in a house in Caltagirone
Le operazioni di ricerca (foto vigili del fuoco)
Le operazioni di ricerca (foto vigili del fuoco)
the accident

Explosion at the Suviana power station, search for missing persons: two more bodies found

The divers: «Difficult environment, it's like Concordia». An investigation has been launched, a disaster is being investigated. The death toll rises to 5
the murder

Aosta mystery, the wanted boy arrested in Lyon: he was already on trial for violence against the victim

The young man, born in Italy, was with the 22-year-old in that area in the woods: they were exploring abandoned buildings
the process

Amanda Knox, the prosecution asks for three years for slandering Patrick Lumumba

The then American student, in the early stages of the investigation into Kercher's death, indicated him to the investigators as the alleged perpetrator of the crime
(foto Zizi)
(foto Zizi)
The ceremony

Police Day, the Sardinians Marco Marras and Loris Tola awarded in Piazza del Popolo in Rome

On September 24, 2021, they risked their lives trying to save a man who was threatening to set himself on fire
Mario Pincarelli (foto dai social)
Mario Pincarelli (foto dai social)

He killed Willy, Mario Pincarelli gets married in prison: she fell in love seeing him on the news

Yesterday the final sentence of 21 years for the murder of Willy Monteiro Duarte, the wedding on April 16th
Il tribunale di Padova (Ansa)
Il tribunale di Padova (Ansa)
the process

Padua, he attacked his neighbor with sticks: 8 years in prison requested for a Sardinian pensioner

Salvatore Corda, originally from Cagliari, on trial for attempted murder. The facts in 2021. The prosecution urges conviction
La centrale dove si è verificata l'esplosione
La centrale dove si è verificata l'esplosione

Suviana massacre, investigation for murder and negligent disaster: who are the three victims

There are also five seriously injured and four missing in the explosion at the hydroelectric plant
i fratelli Gabriele (s) e Marco Bianchi (d) in una foto dal profilo facebook di Gabriele Bianchi. Facebook/Gabriele Bianchi ++ATTENZIONE LA FOTO NON PUO' ESSERE PUBBLICATA O RIPRODOTTA SENZA L'AUTORIZZAZIONE DELLA FONTE DI ORIGINE CUI SI RINVIA+++
i fratelli Gabriele (s) e Marco Bianchi (d) in una foto dal profilo facebook di Gabriele Bianchi. Facebook/Gabriele Bianchi ++ATTENZIONE LA FOTO NON PUO' ESSERE PUBBLICATA O RIPRODOTTA SENZA L'AUTORIZZAZIONE DELLA FONTE DI ORIGINE CUI SI RINVIA+++
the sentence

Willy murder, second appeal for the Bianchi brothers: they risk life imprisonment again

For the Court of Cassation, the generic mitigating circumstances granted to Marco and Gabriele Bianchi must be reviewed, which are decisive for the reduction of the sentence
Il corpo di una donna è stato trovato ieri nei pressi della frazione Equilivaz, nel comune La Salle, in Valle d'Aosta. A scoprire il cadavere è stato un passante. Sono intervenuti i carabinieri del reparto operativo di Aosta. Sono stati condotti anche rilievi scientifici da parte dei militari. Non si esclude al momento l'ipotesi dell'omicidio, 06 aprile 2024. NPK ANSA / Cristina Porta
Il corpo di una donna è stato trovato ieri nei pressi della frazione Equilivaz, nel comune La Salle, in Valle d'Aosta. A scoprire il cadavere è stato un passante. Sono intervenuti i carabinieri del reparto operativo di Aosta. Sono stati condotti anche rilievi scientifici da parte dei militari. Non si esclude al momento l'ipotesi dell'omicidio, 06 aprile 2024. NPK ANSA / Cristina Porta

Corpse in the church, it is of a 22-year-old: "Stabbed to death"

The girl was identified, she is French and her relatives had not heard from her for days
the tragedy

Explosion in a hydroelectric power plant in the Bologna area: 3 dead, 4 missing and 5 seriously injured

The explosion of a turbine caused a fire and flooding, resulting in the collapse of an attic. Searches all night
La chiesa sconsacrata (foto Ansa)
La chiesa sconsacrata (foto Ansa)

Dead girl in the woods, the witness: «She and her partner are two vampires, pale and suffering»

The couple asked for information: "They wanted to camp in the mountains, they were looking for food." The autopsy confirmed death due to bleeding
Immagine simbolica della grande mobilitazione di Saccargia, verso Pratobello (L'Unione Sarda)
Immagine simbolica della grande mobilitazione di Saccargia, verso Pratobello (L'Unione Sarda)

Saccargia, the dream of a modern Pratobello

Journey on the day destined to mark a turning point in the history of the Sardinian people: react or suffer the invasion