There are 17 stab wounds on the body of Pierina Paganelli, the 78-year-old found dead yesterday in an apartment building in via Del Ciclamino in Rimini.

The woman, a pensioner and devout Jehovah's Witness, returned home by car the previous evening after attending a prayer meeting, parked in the garage and opened the stairwell door. The killer shot her to death, despite the victim's attempts to defend herself, leaving her in a pool of blood. Next to the handbag.

The investigations are 360 degrees and include the family environment, the neighborhood and acquaintances for religious reasons.

The underground garages can only be accessed via an automatic gate which is closed at 9pm every evening and you need a remote control to enter.

Whoever killed her knew her habits and continued to stab her even when the woman was on the ground dying.

The autopsy will provide further information and may specify whether there was sexual violence given the torn skirt and messy underwear.

The daughter-in-law has already been questioned. The 53-year-old son was found on the side of the road with a damaged skull on May 7th. An accident or attack which still remains a mystery and which cannot be ruled out as having links to the crime.


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